Arrives at Loguetown.

On the way to Loguetown.

Rin is tying a letter on a puppet bird legs.

"What are you doing?" Usopp asked out of curiosity.

"I'm sending a letter to someone." Rin answered before sending the bird away.

"To who?" Usopp asked.

Rin look at Usopp and was thinking about what to say. "You could say he's a childhood friend of mine." She answered before roaming around the ship.


Rin quietly went in the storage room without the other noticing.

"... Tomo..." Rin whispered.

"Yes." Tomo appears out of nowhere.

"Did Akiko arrive safely?" Rin asked.

After Rin sets sail with Luffy and the rest, Rin send Tomo to accompany Akiko to make sure she's okay.

"Apart from being a little awkward with the residents of Windmill Village, she's doing fine." Tomo answered.

"That's good." Rin breath a sigh of relief. "Now, we just need to wait till we arrive at Loguetown." Rin said. "I wonder if I could catch a glimpse of Dragon.." Rin murmured.

"You want to see Dragon?" Tomo asked.

"Which One Piece fans doesn't?" Rin chuckled. "He's one of my favorite characters in One Piece. I've watched One Piece till the latest episode and chapters but the anime is still ongoing so I never finished it. I've watched up to... when they're preparing to attack Onigashima, I think. I haven't re-watch the anime from the system for a while so I can't exactly remember which episode or chapter." Rin explained.

"You seem happy whenever you talk about One Piece." Tomo said.

"I can't help it. It's a great anime." Rin said while smiling. "You should revert back to being a system for now, I don't want the others to see you yet."

"Okay." Tomo said before turning back into a system.

Moments later, they arrived at Loguetown.

Everyone gets off the ship and starts doing their own thing.

"... Don't you have anything to do?" Zoro asked Rin who is following him.

"Nope. Nothing." Rin answered.

"Why don't you go with Nami?" Zoro asked.

"She's going shopping. I have enough clothes so I don't need to buy more." Rin answered.

"How about Luffy?" Zoro asked.

"I'm not interested in the execution platform." Rin answered.

"..." Zoro seems a bit uncomfortable but kept quiet and let Rin do what she wants.

Zoro have been looking at the swords on sales from the window but didn't buy any because of the price.

"A "Monster"?! How rude!" says someone from the ruckus near Zoro and Rin.

'Tashigi...' Rin thought as soon as she saw her.

After some argument with the pirates bothering her, Tashigi beat them only to trip and fell the next second. When she search for her glasses, Zoro pick it up and accidentally broke them when he sees Tashigi's face that looks like Kuina. Tashigi demand Zoro to pay for the glasses that he broke.

Meanwhile Rin already sneak away without Zoro realizing.

'I'm not paying for the glasses...' Rin thought.

'This street is crowded...' Rin thought as she regret entering that street.

She decided to go to an area with less people.

'It's less crowded here..' Rin thought.

She look around and sees a street full of shops selling weapons like guns, swords daggers, etc.

'I don't think I needed anything since I can buy most things from the system.' Rin thought as she went the opposite direction.


"This was the favorite gun of Gold Roger!" said a scammer.

"What?! Gold Roger's?!" Usopp yelled with shock.

Rin come from behind and said "Of course not."

"Huh?!" Usopp and the scammer was surprised when they realized Rin was standing there.

"M-Miss if you're not buying anything, please leave." the scammer said as he tries to get Rin to go away so he can scam Usopp.

Rin ignored the scammer and continue talking "In the first place, Roger was executed by the Marines, they'll probably destroy any weapons in his possession so it doesn't fall to the wrong hands and encourage someone to become a pirate. It doesn't make any sense for it to fall on some "nobody" who sell shabby stuff in a cringe-looking shop."

"Ugh- Please leave if you're going continue talking nonsense." the scammer said.

Again, Rin ignored the scammer. "And if it really is Roger's gun, you're selling something that belonged to an extremely infamous pirate. I wonder how the Marines would react if I report you. Maybe there'll be another execution." Rin intentionally exaggerated the last part.

"Even if you're lying about that being Roger's gun and didn't get charge by any punishment from the Marines, your shop's reputation will fall lower than it already is and you'll probably have to pack up and leave the island since most people in this town will probably hear nasty rumors about you selling Roger's gun and other stuff even if it's not true. If you tell us the truth we'll consider no reporting you to the Marines." Rin said while smiling.

'Most of what I said are exaggerated possibilities. I'm pretty sure the Marines probably couldn't care less about a scammer...' Rin thought.

"..." The scammer became speechless out of fear. "I-I... I-It's... not Roger's gun..." The scammer decided to clear up the "misunderstanding".

"Let's go." Rin said to Usopp.

After that Rin and Usopp exited the shop.

"How did you not realize he's scamming you?" Rin asked.


"... Nevermind." Rin sighed. "I'm going for a walk. If you wants to buy weapons you should go to the street opposite from here." Rin said while pointing towards a direction.

After that she leaves the area.