Dr. Kureha.

Inside a house on the island,

"Put her on the bed, I'll light up the fireplace." Dalton said. "I haven't told you my name yet. I'm Dalton, captain of the security squad on this island." He introduced himself. "Please forgive our heavy handed welcome."

Dalton explained that the only doctor they have is Dr. Kureha who is called a witch by the residents, and that she lives in a castle on one of the tall cylinder-shaped mountain.

"Can't you call her here right away?! We have a critical patient!" Sanji said.

"Even if I wanted to, there's no way to contact her." Dalton said. "As a doctor, she's very skilled. But she's a eccentric old hag. She's almost 140 years old now.."

"Then, what happens when people here get sick or injured?" Vivi asked.

"She comes down from the mountain whenever she feels like it. She look for patients, treat them and as payment, she takes whatever she wants from their house before leaving." Dalton explained.

He also explained how there's some odd rumors claiming that Dr. Kureha fly down the mountain on a sleigh and that there's a strange creature following her around.

"She may be our only doctor but she isn't a person I'd like to deal with. All we can do is wait for the next time she comes down from the mountain." Dalton said.

Luffy woke Nami up to tell her they need to climb the mountain to see the doctor.

Vivi, Sanji and Usopp thought that it was too dangerous to carry a sick person while climbing the steep and tall mountain so they tries to reason with Luffy.


"... I need to get better fast..." Nami said weakly. "... I need to hurry... for Vivi... so... I'm counting on you... captain..!"

Luffy grinned. "That's more like it! Just leave it to me!"

"Hold still! I need to tie this right." Vivi said as she tie a piece of cloth on Luffy and Nami. "All set. I'm going to wait here. I'll only get in the way."

"Same here." Usopp said.

"Got it!" Luffy said.

Dalton warned Luffy that the course they're taking have Lapins, fierce carnivorous rabbits. But Luffy and Sanji said it'll be fine.

"Alright then. Let's go, Sanji! Before Nami dies!" Luffy said as he starts running.

"What?! Don't say that you idiot!" Sanji yelled before he followed after Luffy.

"Shouldn't you be going too?" Usopp asked Rin.

"Huh? Do I have to?" Rin asked.

"Of course you do!" Usopp said as he push Rin.

"Okay, fine.." Rin sighed before she followed Luffy and Sanji.

"Hang on Nami-san, we're going to get you to a doctor!" Sanji said.

"The snow's really deep around here.." Luffy said.

"Hey Luffy! Run more smoothly, you're going to make Nami-san's condition worse!" Sanji said.

"Hm?" Luffy slowed down when he saw giant rabbits in front of him.

"What are these guys?" Sanji asked.

"They're white and big so they must be polar bears! I'm sure of it!" Luffy said confidently.

"?! Watch out!" Rin screamed.

One of the rabbit jumped and tries to attack them. Everyone quickly step away to dodge.

They ended up having to fight with the rabbits. The rabbits quiet down after a while and start jumping loudly which causes an avalanche. Sanji got buried under the snow when he tried to make sure Nami didn't get hurt and passed out.

Rin carries Sanji on her back since Luffy is already carrying Nami.

When they finally reach the pillar-like mountain, they began to climb it.

*Cough* *Cough* 'Haa... It's cold..' Run thought.

"Luffy, you okay?" Rin asked.

"Yeah." Luffy answered.

'If only the snow storm isn't so strong around here, I could've just fly us up there..' Rin thought. 'My hands starting to hurt. Just how did Luffy climb this thing while carrying two people..?'

After climbing for a long time, they finally arrived at the top.

*Cough* *Cough* "We finally made it.." Rin said. She looked at Luffy and realized he fell asleep.

"... How? How did you sleep in this weather..?" Rin question. "Nevermind that, looks like I have to carry these three people inside myself."

Rin carried Nami first and put her carefully inside the castle. She carried Luffy and Sanji afterwards.

"Hello?! Doctor Kureha!" Rin yelled.

"..." Silent.

'That's weird I'm pretty sure they should be here.' Rin thought.

Rin took a deep breath and screamed "HEY! IS ANYBODY HERE-"

"I HEAR YOU!" Kureha screamed as she and Chopper went to see the uninvited guests. "Don't you know it's rude to enter someone's house without permission? How'd you even get up here..?" She asked.

"...um.. me and... ahem!" Rin paused for a bit. "Me and my friends climb the mountain to see you. Your a doctor right? My friend need help, please!"

"Hm. Carry them and follow me." Kureha said.

"By.. myself...?" Rin asked.

Kureha looked at Rin's haggard appearance and said "Chopper help her."

Chopper turned big and carries Luffy and Sanji while Rin carries Nami.

Kureha began treating the three of them.