Chapter Three : Unexpected encounter

Tara was laying in her bed after sending off her mother. She was thinking about how life will be in mount high , then suddenly her phone flash..

"Hey Aryan " she picked up

Hello darling, so what's your plan for today. He asked

Nothing I was just thinking to copy all the notes which I have missed. Tara replied.

Then suddenly a female voice came from other side, "hey don't be a mood spoiler I am hosting a party and you have to come ".

Diya, seriously I not in mood to party . Tara try to convince her but she didn't bother about Tara thought.

I don't know anything you have to come and I am not taking no as an answer, she said in a dominating way.

Okay, I will, tell Aryan to pick me up, Tara voice was more dull than before.

I'll pick you at 7:pm , He replied.

Tara put on a white A -line dress and updo her long straight hair and then she just put on a light pink lipstick.

She heard the horn and quickly went down thinking it must be Aryan. When she came out she was shocked, she saw the same guy from the morning who called her tall girl.

"What are you doing here?" Tara question.

I am on a pick up duty and I guess you are the one whom I have to pick up, He answered.

Where is Aryan? Again she questioned.

Well, your boyfriend is helping my girlfriend in something so he asked me to pick you up .

But why you? She questioned again .

Oh god why are you so full of questions, he said in tired voice.

I.. Tara was about speak but he cut her in middle and said " Listen, I am not in mood of playing any Queries here , if you want to come just hop on.

She was about to sit on the back seat of the car but he interrupted, "Madam I know right now I am on pick up duty but I am not your driver so please, kindly sit on the passenger seat.

She gave him a disgusting look and sat on the passenger seat. On the way of twenty minutes they didn't even utter a word it was complete silence in the car. They finally reach out of the Diya house which was more like a mansion.

Diya was standing on the door to welcome them , when they reach to the door Aryan took Tara hand and start walking inside and Diya stand at the door talking with that guy, Tara eyes were still on him. She asked Aryan, "Who is he ?"

He is Sid, my best friend remember I told you . He replied while raising his eyebrows.

Tara nodded her head and went in. All the people were enjoying but Tara was sitting alone in the corner. Aryan and Diya ask her so many times to join them on the dance floor but all the time she denied.

She was shipping her orange juice then suddenly a hush voice came from the behind. She turned back and said "You again".

Yes , me again . He replied

Then after taking a long sip from his glass he again spoke "I think we need a proper introduction. "Hi, I am Sid Jogiya. " and stretch his hand for handshake.

Tara got confused why he suddenly did this but still she accepted his friendly gesture and shook her hand back.

"Hey, I am Tara Diwan ."

So, while all the people are going crazy why are you sitting alone in corner sipping an orange juice. He asked

You are also here, What up with you? Rather than giving an answer she asked back.

Gosh! You started your interrogation again, okay I will answer if you will dance with me. He replied

Then she gave him a stare and said I don't know how to dance.

He smiled and said "me too, that's why we are perfect partner for each other." Then he pulled her to the dance floor.

Now, answer my question. She demanded

Well , I am not a party guy. I don't like crowd, He replied.

She doesn't seem to convince with his answer, after all it's hard to believe whatever she saw in the morning was totally opposite than his words , and only one word came out of her mouth "Lie. "

No , it's the truth . This time he said in a very innocent voice .

She looked in the gaze of his eyes which was saying that he is not lying but she denied to accept that and said,"Let's move on the next question , Why did you ask me for a dance , I mean Diya is your girlfriend and she is great dancer but still you came to me instead of her, Why?

His happy face suddenly turn in the intense one and he said "I don't know, I just wanted to dance with you. "

She was not buying any of his answer and only thing which was coming to her mind that he is lying again so she decided to ask another one and another reason was that somehow his answer making her nervous so she quickly moved on the next question "What Was with your sudden friendly gesture , I mean you were really mean to me till the evening but what got you after we reach to party ?"

" I don't know when I saw you in the morning there was something about you got stuck in me and I couldn't express it so all come out from me was anger but when I saw you here sitting alone I felt we are similar ." He explained

This answer made her really nervous so she try to avoid it by asking another question

"Why did you agree to answer my question."

Because I wanted you to show my true self, he replied

Why? She asked out of curiosity.

Will you believe if I say I don't know. He was hoping her to say yes.

But she didn't believe him and said "If you don't want to answer it's okay at least don't lie." And try to move away but he pulled her more closer and wishper in her ears "except the thing I can't dance everything I said to you was truth.

His words marked in her heart she wanted to believe him but she was holding her back but then when she looked him his eyes which made her believe that he was not lying . They were lost in each other gaze when someone tap him from behind.

Hey baby let's dance na, Diya asked him in a childish voice.

He agreed and left with her but his eyes were only following Tara while dancing and Tara eyes was also stuck on him , when Aryan disturbed her.

Do you want something? He asked.

No, I am fine I just want to go home. She replied

Okay, wait for me here I am going to inform Diya after that we will leave.

When Aryan said to Diya that they were leaving Sid immediately looked to Tara like he wanted to stop her but he couldn't do so. He just kept watching her back when she was leaving.