Theriantrope general assembly II

A strange sound on the stage caught our attention. Everyone stopped as a silent cartoon showed on the tvs that we were to put our headphones on. After putting the headphones, it showed how to detach a long wire and place it ending under our lower lip. The cartoon also taught us that in order to be listened, when the headsets were unlocked by the software, one had to touch a small black button on the root of the wire. It looked like the cartoons for a flight attendant's instructions.

-"It seems we are all already here! " - The batmen's trainer was seated on the center of the desks. The felidae's trainer sat to his left and the further to the left our trainer. To his right was granny in a dark pink pants suite, with a white blouse and a large pending white bow. To her right sat a man, with white and gray hair spread sporadically around a round shiny skin patch, thin layers of skin waterfalling from perturbing high check bones and small round glasses hanging on the edge of his nose.

- " I am sorry for the organization, but it is the first attempt to address these many people with such short notice. As you all know I am the secretary for the therianthrope defense, and I will be speaking on behalf of the ministry.'' - The background noise increased with suspicion and admiration as the batmen's trainer continued. - ``The minister resigned when he was forced to acknowledge the threat that is upon us and the reason we are all gathered here tonight. You will be the first to know several facts that should not be kept from free citizens.''

I could feel legs moving against mine and arms struggling with the compression imposed and whispers of animated turbulence. - ``Please, my fair people, you deserve the truth and you shall have it! This year as a result from the country's presidential elections, the new president was, according to tradition, was revealed our existence on the day he took office and was requested a meeting with the minister to establish the guide lines for our harmonious coexistence.''

The movement stopped, not a word came out of anyone's mouth and suspense made us all fall back in real fear. The silence was broken by a brief comment I was too far to listen to, among all these smells and silent breathings I could hardly concentrate on the headphones that peaked loudly into my ears. Nevertheless, I could distinguish the tone and understand the subtle outburst of laughter sporadically scattered around the original amusing sound.

-``The result of which was a document you can see on the screen.'' - Both flat screens that showed the bat trainer seating seriously on the stage were now filled with selected text from a presidential official document. - ``If I may, I would like to read to you: I regret to inform your excellence the minister of therianthrope, that with the economical crisis our country is facing I decided to postpone scheduling the meeting indefinitely.'' - The crowd went crazy with accusations and words of outrageous concern and dissatisfaction.-

-``PLEASE allow me to stress the words POSTONE SCHEDULING THE MEETING indefinitely. The letter continues only to assure that: until we meet you are kindly requested to cease all militarily activities and have your entire army report to the governmental army for further instructions and redistribution. I will send today a personal note to the minister of security and defense to expect as much. Sincerely yours...'' and you can deduce the rest.'' - My feet were stepped on, my back pulled forward in oscillatory global movements created by a general reflex to approach the stage and confront the speaker with this affront to our existence and pride.

- ``I must clarify, that no army will do such thing until our minister so desires and since he himself is not in favor of such procedure you have my personal guaranty that your safety remains as always our prime directive and main concern. Nevertheless, in the case that the president does not explain his actions we are forced to see this as a THREAT...'' - Arms were in the air, my feet lifted from the ground by the compact movement that was chaotically established as though the whistles and wows were driving us in a troubled sea.

- ``Yes! YES! we consider this seriously, as it is our responsibility and therefore you are to prepare for what may come. We shall provide you with instructions in the next few days. We shall have peace whether it is given fairly to us citizens of this country or we shall take it in the name of freedom!''

Strong words were liberated from the thirsty mouths, clearly in hunger for blood, freedom or just longing to reclaim those rights they could not mention but sounded so clear in their speaker's voice. For blind is the crowd and naïve to instigate towards fight, when vacant are the words and artistically composed to capture their inner fears in an abstract transversal way. It took even longer to leave the field than it took to get through the gates almost an hours ago. Disoriented, pushing and pulling I was assured vertical by the twinkle of stars around a milky bathing moon that shone on my face. Once we passed again the gates as orderly as sheep bitten in the legs by obedient wolves in a V-shaped ridge, a bottle neck that crushed our bodies in a many-body interaction determined most accurately by highly compressed gas. The effect of losing one's individual properties in statistical interactions with infinite limits converged only by our insignificance.

Half the way to the car, when the driving rushing made bearable the lack or oxygen of a one-stop bus ride, the mobile phone ringed. - ``Finally you have signal, 've been calling you for ten minutes. You ok? It is nonsense to address these many people in this manner, I don't know what he was thin... well, I do, and it worked too! You saw how they reacted? Like taking candy from a baby. Are you alright?''

-``Now I know where my endless mumbling comes from. I am, don't worry dad. I am almost getting to the car, can't talk now, almost can't move in this bus'' - The nice part of a shape-shifters filled bus is that they typically respect our noses and do not abuse on the cologne, but after this event and spirituous rampage, shape-shifters, as fast metabolisms, would not be immune to their body functions and a pallet of sweat entered my controlled and reduced inspiration. Considering also my newly developed skills I could hardly decide between fainting for lack of oxygen or allow these scents to find their ways to my senses. There was this steaming stuffy suffocating smell conjugated with each particular sweat and bitter, and strong and warm and fresh smell that our bodies already usually sent.