Let's Look at the Replay

"Five hundred and five years ago there was-"

"We don't have time for a flashback right now, I am pretty sure the readers do not care about the story," Griffin interrupts Orion.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't you have some paperwork to fill out or another lapdog too stalk or talk to century old men that smell like newly bought New Balances?" Griffin said while a wave of irritation and some sort of satisfaction loomed over his face for a split second. He must have liked his joke.

"I understand, I will save the story for another time, if I am given the chance to. History is important, it's necessary for growth and evolution. Learn from past mistakes. Without it we are lost. You might be running from the past but you don't know how to walk. The past will catch up, hope you have conquered your demons by then. You're not the only one with a tragic backstory, stop trying to bring everyone down with you into the empty abyss. Walking around like a puppy on its last leg that's broken whimpering for help, people walk by not knowing that you are the silly dog that caused its own agony. People don't help the dog, because who wants a dog that has his foot on hells burning floors." said Orion

"Whatever man, I would have just killed the dog, stopping its pain. I would be a "hero" in your fantasy world. I thought we were on our way to being a team. A team that can joke around about video games or sports... or about idiots trying to fight for peace," replied Griffin who was tossing around a rock he found on the ground. Clearly not caring about his discussion with Orion.

"We will never be a "team", because you are the filth that I walk over. You're the crab at the bottom of the ocean that is left wandering around then a fish comes to eat you but changes its mind, knowing you are nothing but a shell. Empty, nothing inside to eat." Orion tilts his hat over his eyes, but the rage on his face was clear as day. "Checkpoint 2" Orion vanishes, leaving behind kicked up dust.

"I wonder if he is the fish? Hmm what a perfect analogy," said Griffin with an emotionless face. His eyes, telling a different story and feeling. They made a good team but Orion hates him. A smile appears on his face.

"Now since the grumpy grandpa has finally left, I can properly introduce myself. But first, you must be very confused about what happened. I know it happened quickly but try and keep up. Since this is the first time, I will make an exception. Is that ok with you? Ok well, I didn't hear any complaints so I will continue my lesson. Let's look at the replay. Can everyone please look to your right. Ok I'm sorry that was a joke." Griffin pulls out an iPad from one of his brown pouches that hangs from his hip. The iPad turns on and Griffin unlocked the iPad after multiple attempts due to him forgetting the code.

"Welcome to the first replay of this story. If you look closely you can see me standing on top of the tree, look how cool I look, I'm almost as cool as that one character from Naruto that's about to kill his own village. Anyways, as you can see I pull out one of my special kunai knives from one of my magical pouches, called.. actually it doesn't matter what they are called. A pouch can hold many different items and weapons, but these magical items are rare. One of my pouches is used to primarily carry my fighting stuff, mainly my kunai. I have about a thousand of them or more. Now to finally explain the moment you have been waiting for, my powers. I have time and space abilities.

"Oh, I am going to need some water for my dry mouth."

"I can manipulate and bend time and space within a distance from my location, depending on how much energy I use. Using a special marker I created, I put the marker on my kunai. I can also create more daggers using the energy that flows through my veins. By combining the two abilities, I can teleport. To be able to teleport to specific locations accurately my kunai come in handy. As you can see by the replay, I throw my dagger precisely to his at his face. I do this so the enemy can dodge the kunai. It teleports me in a position where I can land a lethal strike. Side note: Griffin can also place his marker on other things such as people and inanimate objects to catch them by surprise.

"I hope you don't believe I am some super strong, overpowered main protagonist. That is not the case, I am just a big fish surrounded by even bigger fish. I'm just another star to gaze upon in a starry night, I don't shine as bright nor am I dim, average. A dot in the vast never ending sky. Just there, That's Griffin Yeager."

"I stabbed Zenshin where he wasn't expecting it, the rest is history. Now, that concludes the first look at the replay, but I feel like I am forgetting something important. It's really essential to know to read this story. Bare with me, I am a terrible main character I know, how can I forget something so major. Let me go over the replay again myself real quick. Ah I got it, the dimensional boxes, those actually have a name and play a huge role in the power system. They are called Jigen."

"Jigen are powerful weapons or rather its a destructive environment used as a lethal force for some cases at least. Well let's look at Grandpa's Jigens and the way they are used, Sho and Restoration. Sho is a dimension designed to destroy everything that gets sucked into it like a blender making smoothies out of bones and guts. Orion's control over the Jigen is impressive, he can manipulate it enough to only suck in the body instead of everything in its path. Most Jigen's either function internally or externally, but a lot of Jigen's can do both, meaning the contents of the box comes outside or the person is brought inside the box. Take Restoration for an example, the Jigen created a barrier outside of its box, causing time to revert inside the box. Personally, you never want to go inside someone else's Jigen. That usually ends with the person's demise. You're like an elementary school kid scared in a horror house, danger all around, threats around every corner depending on what dimension you are brought to."

Griffin takes a quick break to drink water from his container. The hydro-flask is empty, he forgot to fill it up in the morning. He brings out another hydro-flask, this is emergency water that he is never supposed to drink. The thought of him taking a sip of fresh cold water clouded his judgement. He placed the hydro flask to his lips. He drank. Dirty, dusty sip of water. It was also empty. Griffin gets up and throws the flask to the ground, spiking it like a football player celebrating a touchdown. Griffin sits back down.

"All Jigens have different strengths and weaknesses, if you can find the weakness, you live. Some boxes will have a boss inside, defeat the boss and a portal will open granting your escape. Jigens require keys to unlock the box and be granted the ability to be the owner of the Jigen. For example, if you have a key, that key can only be used to open one Jigen. If the key is compatible, the cube will open. All Jigens are random and unpredictable, it's impossible to tell what's inside a box. Unless you have a stardust key or a dimension key, a stardust key can unlock any box also multiple boxes with the same stardust key, it doesn't matter. A dimension key can open anything; portals to a nearby dimension, open dungeons, and open any Jigen. These keys are extremely rare, tons of countries, planets, and even universes have fought and died for possession of one of these keys. I've had an opportunity to steal a stardust key, but I threw it away like left over Chinese food . I don't need it."

"Jigens are preeminent to have as a Gatekeeper to survive. Each Gatekeeper is given a customizable Jigen by the "holy" council. Giving the owner of the box to create the void with whatever the owner choses, using his own life energy. These start off very weak, pretty much useless, but the longer you live the stronger the Jigen. Jigens can grow in strength and size by how many people have died inside the box, the stronger the opponent the more powerful the Jigen grows. To determine another Jigen's strength is by color and design. If it's a dull looking color or has white on the box, it's a weak Jigen, easy to break out of. Oh did I forget to mention that Jigens can be broken out of, hm I guess I did. If someone is severely stronger than the Jigen, two things can happen. One, the person does not get sucked or transported inside the Jigen. Two, the person can use their own life energy source to destroy the box. Avoid getting your Jigen destroyed, not a good look. It's rather embarrassing, I've seen it happen with my own eyes. Don't quote me, but I'm pretty confident that guy committed seppuku."

He didn't

"Strong and highly dangerous Jigen's have designs around the box with vibrant colors. If it's a multi color Jigen with designs the wisest decision is to run away with your tail between your legs. I have fought multiple opponents with multi colored, designed Jigens, I was only able to kill one. The rest of them, I was able to fight to a draw, which is really impressive."

He ran away with his tail in between his legs.

"Ok, I am finally done with the boring talk. Please come back for the next chapter. Lot's of information, hopefully you remember everything or you would have wasted my time. Wait, what time is it?"

Griffin checks the time

"Oh shit, I'm going to be late for school, again."