Do Rivers Always Continue to Flow?

Griffin finally locates all of the poison gas flowing inside his body. It's a close call but he should be able to get all of the poison out of his body before the nearest rat and skeleton attacks him. The pack of bones must be learning from last time by not releasing any type of projectile attack. Clearing the fog out of his brain, Griffin was ready to release all the gas inside his muscles and stomach. He collected all of the poison. Griffin relaxes his muscles and loses focus for a split second.

"Huh, this is bad," says Griffin

Like a bottle full of air exploding from the cap. Shooting the bottle cap into the air, rocketing into the sky trying to see how far it can go. The gas was released out of his body. It was released out of his ass, causing a huge boom. Creating a sonic boom, rocketing himself in the air. He shit his pants. The devastating destruction from his anus killed nearby skeletons.

"Ewww, that's disgusting. I thought humans have manners... Did you shit your pants?" The monstrous dinosaur speaks after a moment of silence. The smell is doing damage to his nose. The cringing beast looked at Griffin with a filthy look. If the T-rex could plug his nose up with its fingers it would.

"No I did not shit my pants,"

Yes he did.

Griffin panicked with both hands on his rear checking for anything that shouldn't be there.He felt a huge lump in between his buttchecks. The skeletons of dead warriors and huge rats were stuck in place, frozen. The one's nearest to him started to vibrate uncontrollably.

Thud. Cracking. Thud. Cracking

The sounds of something falling then breaking apart when hitting the ground. Griffin was horrified. The row of bones that were previously close to him were now on the ground shattered. The smell of Griffin's fart rendered them useless. The skeletons thought they were under attack by an unseen enemy, they all ran away. The skeletons and rats were in a frenzy, screaming while running. Running into each other while retreating away.

"Hey, come back. It's not like that! Stop over exaggerating, it wasn't that bad. Please come attack me, I will not get in your way. I won't stop you. Please come back and finish me!" Griffin on his knees begging for his nightmare to end. Embarrassed that he could ever release such a disastrous smell. More skeletons were falling to their demise. It was a crazy phenomena, they didn't even have noses.

"I can't take this humiliation anymore," Griffin breathed into his mouth and held his breath. The sound of air flowing into his mouth and knocking against his teeth. Space disorientated, a massive light blue circle enveloped all of the rats and skeletons.

"Rajin Level: Room. Rippled River,"

The swarm of bones scatters around, putting separation between them and Griffin. Fleeting away in the opposite direction. They began to slow down. They were moving in slow motion like in a terrible action sequence in a movie. Seven hundred corpuses came to a complete stop. Time itself ceases to exist within this blue barrier. Except for one being who defies it all. Griffin carried two of his knives, eyes closed, muscles relaxed. He snaps his eyes open and looks for the closest target. Cuts the bones down, moves on to the next one, dead. Griffin was moving like lightning playing connect the dots. Zig zagging around striking down everything in his path. Not a single bone was safe within his realm. Griffin was the king in his blue dome. Griffin came to a stop, a single drop of sweat formed his forehead.

"The river continues to flow"

Griffin exhales, releasing all of the air in his mouth. The drop of sweat slides down his cheek. A chain reaction of explosions go off behind him. Pieces of bones flying into the air. A confetti of white came raining down. The dinosaur with a shocked look on his face, was unable to comprehend what just happened.

"I'm sorry, but I will be ending this very soon," said Griffin with a serious look on his face. A face we haven't seen at all so far.

"Weapon slot 4 Space Eagle"

A blue hued electricity formed sparked around his right hand, A white gun in the shape of a desert eagle clenched into his hand. Orbs of black energy began to flow into the gun. Creating pulses of energy building up inside the gun. Griffin has the ability to control time. Spatial energy flows around everything but it's invisible to the human eye or any eye for that matter. Griffin can see it and control it at his will. Up till this point, Griffin has been using the air and other particles around him to catalyze his attacks. Using pinpoint precision to use air for offense and defense. What he was doing now was a completely different way to attack, and without a doubt way more destructive. This was Griffin's true ability and power. Since he was currently inside a dungeon, there was a limited amount of spatial energy around him. The ground beneath him began to crack, the floor began to break and float. The air around him ruptured, leaving visible cracks. Griffin's hair denying gravity flowing upwards.

"You think I am going to let you charge one gun without me attacking, You're defenseless," roared the boss.

The dinosaur was not thinking properly because the area around him was deteriorating. He instantly knew that he needed to stop Griffin no matter what. The snakes on the back of his head geared themselves to attack. The giant broke into a run towards Griffin, focusing its own energy to release another fire blast.

"No, but did you know that eagles would lure their prey into another eagle. Waiting for the right time to go for the kill," said Griffin

Another gun electrified into existence in Griffin's left hand. He pointed the gun at the monster's head. A single black orb filled into the gun, making the once white gun into a shade of black. Griffin fired the gun. A normal person couldn't handle the amount of firepower that was released from the gun. He was holding himself up with telekinesis. A ray of raw black energy shot out of the gun. To counter, the beast fired its fire attack. The two attacks collided with a blast of wind, shaking the arena. The fire put up a decent fight but it wasn't close, not being strong enough to fend off the attack. Griffin's bullet of spatial energy shattered the pillar of fire. The bullet continued on trajectory to the mutant dinosaur's face, in a last effort of defense the thousands strands of snakes form a type of shield to block. This attack wasn't so easy to block. The ray of black light incinerated all the snakes that were touching it to cinders.

"Please don't kill me, I will do anything you ask," said the dinosaur

"Please don't beg, that's almost as disgusting as my underwear right now," replied Griffin

Griffin stops absorbing the spatial energy within the boss room. Griffin aims.

"Space Annihilation"

"NOO!" yelled the Dungeon Boss

Griffin fires the completely blacked out pistol, with an ominous aura surrounding. The explosion of the blast released a distorted noise, the sound of space collapsing. A black flash erupted out of the gun. The energy obliterating everything in its path. Everything. The dungeon was gone. All that was left was behind Griffin, like a cliff in the abyss. A mixture of colors swirled around inside the void. It was energy flowing freely.

*The dungeon boss has been slain. The dungeon will now self-destruct.*

Floating words above Griffin. Words he has seen countless times. The job has finally been completed. Griffin sighs while scratching the back of his head.

"I think I went a little overboard, oh well,"

Griffin turns around to exit the giant red door.

"Thank you," a voice from an elderly man came from behind him.

"What did I tell you, I didn't do it for you. But...I'm happy you're all finally free," Griffin turns around with a smile on his face. Looking back at him are astral figures of his teammates during the game show. Griffin releases his grip on both of the guns and they vanish back into his magical bag.

"I can't believe you shit yourself though, man that's just embarrassing," said Tyler.

"Right. Like why does he think he can try and act cool in front of us with shit in his pants," Xane added on.

"Hey, doesn't it kind of stink in here. What is that awful smell," said Clifford.

"Oh shut up, your're all dead. Y'all have no right to make fun of me, especially since you all were just spectating," Griffin replies back.

"I save you all from the dungeon and this is the thanks I get," Griffin adds on.

"But I thought you didn't do it to save us. Mr. Cool guy with shit in his pants," said Tyler.

"Whatever at least I'm not casper that was saved by a guy that may have shit his pants," replied Griffin.

He did shit his pants.

"Hey, you don't have to remind them!" yelled Griffin

"I see he still talks to himself, he has gone insane," said Xane

"I'm out of here, sayonara bozos,"