
After I opened my eyes, I returned to the training ground and spoke to the panicking Gai "It's all right Gai. I found out the issue and it is solved now." Hearing me, Gai stopped panicking and asked "My YOUTHFUL rival, what happened? are you able to close the gate?"

I replied "My chakrs has affected the chakra pathways in my body after opening the gate and I can't close it, but it's not an issue. I can just stop my chakra flow and I will return to normal." Gai looked at me curiously afr some time, but let go and spoke "YOSH! then lets continue our training".

Like that, we trained all day and also had a spar betwen us. As it got dark, I spoke "Ok then Gai. Thank you for your help. Let's meet tomorrow then." Gai nodded as he yelled "YOSH! MY ETERNAL RIVAL, SEE YOU TOMORROW" Then he ran away. I just shook my haed at his antics and returned home to sleep.

At night, Hiruzen and some Anbu were on a mission. They stealthily approached the outskirts of the village and noticed an underground pathway. They then entered underground and followed the pathway. All the while Hiruzen was repeating "Please don't be him....Pls don't be him" as he walked along in the front.

Some time ago, Hiruzen received news from his most trusted friend and lover Danzo that one of his student Orochimaru is up to no good and performing Human experiments. Hiruzen could not beleive what he was hearing.

But as he trusted his Lover Danzo more than himself, he assembled a team of anbu and went to the place given to him by Danzo wanting to confront his student and to see what he was doing with his own eyes.

As they started walking along the pathway, they could smell the rotten smell of blood and Iron. As they walked further, they came across corpses of men and women also children bisected. they also saw various body parts in glas jars.

Seeing all this, Hiruzen's Heart sank as he rushed ahead full speed, but what awaited him was more shock as he saw his student Orochimaru present there experimenting on a child. "Whats the meaning of this Orochimaru?" He yelled.

"So, you found out sensei. Too bad, I'll have to leave this place now" said Orochimaru. Hiruzen hearing him spoke "That is if I let you go you ungrateful student". Orochimaru laughed as he said "Kikikiki.....I don't think you have the heart to hurt your precious student sensei."

Hiruzen summoned Emma and attacked Orochimaru. Orochimaru also fought, but both of them didn't fight seriously. Hiruzen was filled with guilt while fighting as he didn't want to hurt his student. And Orochimaru was not strong enough to kill Hiruzen and escape.

Thus they fought for a while and Orochimaru escaped. Emma warned Hiruzen that Orochimaru is going to escape, but Hiruzen just shook his head not trying to follow him and let him go. Then he returned back to his office.

The next day...

The morning sun rose. I opened my eyes yawning. It was almost 6.00am. I got ready to train with Gai, but I heard a knock on my door. As I opened the door, I saw an Anbu standing there as he spoke "The Hokage wishes to see you". Then seeing my nod, he flickered away.

After the Anbu left, I made my way to the Hokage's office thinking 'Why does Hiruzen want to see me? Did he find out about the missing stuff at Minato's house'. I came out of my thinking when I reached his office. I knocked the door and heard him say "come in".

As I entered the office, I could see the old man standing there with his signature pipe smoking. As he saw me, he spoke "Kakashi, Orochimaru escaped the village yesterday. He is a missing nin now. I want you to track him down and make sure he has left the fire country. Don't engage him at any cost. Your mission is just reckoning".

I nodded and said "Understood Hokage Sama and left his office making my way to the training ground. There I saw Gai who yelled "You're late Kakashi as soon as I approached." I spoke "Gai, I have received a mission from the Hokage. So I won't be able to train today." Gai nodded and I flickered away.

While I left, I heard Gai shout "BE CAREFUL MY YOUTHFUL RIVAL". I smiled at those words as I made my way outside the village. I knew that Hiruzen ordered me to track Orochimaru just for appearance sake and had no intent in doing anything to him.

I also remembered that in the anime, Kakashi fought Orochimaru while he was leaving the village and got destroyed. This left a scar in his mind and fear for Orochimaru as he almost lost his composure when he tried to protect Sasuke from Orochimaru.

At the same time, in an underground base in the village, an Old man sat on a throne with a bandaged eye and a cane. A masked ninja appeared in front of him kneeling "Lord Danzo, Orochimaru escaped the Hokage and is on the run. Kakashi Hatake is tracking him".

Danzo sneered hearing this and thought 'this is the perfect time for me to get my hands on the sharingan this eye is almost out of light' as he touched his bandaged eye and ordered "Take team 3 and also Tenzo and follow him. Get me his sharingan at all costs". The kneeling ninja disappeared saying "Yes Lord Danzo".

I was moving through the forest when I saw that Orochimaru had deliberately left his tracks behind for someone to follow him. He was just playing as he knew Hiruzen would not come after him leaving the village. Tsunade & Jiraya were not at the village so nobody is cape able of capturing him and the one who follows him will become his test subjects.

After travelling for half a day, I saw a clearing and hiding myself, approached slowly. There I saw Orochimaru seemingly waiting for someone. He sensed me and spoke "Well, if it isn't Kakashi kun". Knowing there was no use hiding anymore, I approached him.

He was also interested in seeing what I would do, so he didn't make any moves and just stayed in the same spot. I went into the clearing and seeing Orochimaru, spoke "It's good to see you Orochimaru san. I thought I would not be able to find you so fast".

Orochimaru laughed "Kikikiki... so Kakashi kun, you are here to capture me right...kikiki..." Hearing his creepy laughter, I shook my head and replied "And why would I do that Orochimaru san? I came here to have mutual benefits and not for the sake of the village full of hypocrites."

Orochimaru was surprised for a second and spoke "I see, Kakashi kun.... what is the mutual benefit you talk about?" I smiled and said "I need some of Hashirama's and Madara's cells and I know that you have it." Orochimaru was more surprised hearing my request. His surprise was totally visible in his face.

He then spoke "You surprised me Kakashi kun, but what are you going to do with them?" I replied "Just some research like the ones you do to gain power in my case". Orochimaru started thinking and spoke "In case I give what you asked, what can you offer me in return?"

I smiled at him "I can tell you how to achieve eternal life." Orochimaru frowned hearing me "You are not making a joke are you Kakashi kun" as he released some of his killing intent. I shook my head "Why would I joke on this matter Orochimaru san? I know exactly what I'm saying".

Orochimaru stopped his killing intent and said "Go on...." I continued speaking "The secret lies in the legendary eyes of the sage of six paths also called Hogoromo Otsutsuki". Orochimaru was intrigued as he listened and spoke "Isn't that legend a myth Kakashi kun?"

I replied "That is what everyone is thinking. I know about the legendary eyes called the Rinnegan which has the power of control over life and death. I also know where you can find them as well". Orochimaru had his eyes wide open as he spoke "Then tell me Kakashi kun, how do you know all this".

"Everyone has their secrets Orochimaru san". Orochimaru thought for a second and asked "I understand, but why don't you take those eyes for yourself if you know where to find them Kakashi kun?" I shook my head "I'm not strong enough to take them from it's wielder, while you can. That's why I took my second option and asked for the cells".

Orochimaru nodded and spoke "Then tell me Kakashi kun, where do I find them?" I also smirked "Firat give me what I need and I'll give you the details." Orochimaru thought for a moment and puked a scroll and threw it at me. I took the scroll and unsealed it and found two bottles labelled Hashirama and Madara.

I then nodded and started speaking "Do you remember Jiraya taking three students in the rain country?" Orochimaru answered "Yes, but I heard that they died". I continued "Then you heard wrong Orochimaru san. Only one of them died. The wielder of the rinnegan is alive and his Name is Nagato. You can find him in AME village.

He has started an organisation called the Akatsuki and are recruiting missing ninjas and criminals. He is their leader calling himself Pain". Orochimaru digested the information and asked intregued "Now I'm getting more and more interested in you. Tell me, you are not Kakashi are you?" I just smirked hearing him. 'Damn he's smart'.

The Rinnegan eyes are the evolution of Sharingan after the mangekyou sharingan. You can use them to summon the shinogami and grant life to the dead by retrieving their soul from the pure world. You will have to get a loyal subordinate with natural sage body and plant the eyes on him and use him to transplant your soul to another body.

Then you can take back the rinnegan and plant them into your new body and gain the powers of the Sage of 6 paths. Don't believe anyone and collect the tailed beast chakra if you somehow get the Rinnegan as that will make you loose control of your body and will seal your soul.

This is all the information I'm giving you. The rest is up to you. If you want to kill Hiruzen, I don't mind. But make sure you don't damage the village while doing it". Kakashi was once again surprised "Kikikiki.... I'm getting more and more surprised by you Kakashi kun. I'm wanting you even more now" he said "I'm not into men Orochimaru" I said.

Orochimaru laughed "kikikiki.... do you want to follow me Kakashi?" I replied "No. I have many things to do here, but if you need any help in research, Let me know. I'm also interested." Orochimaru nodded and threw me a scroll.

"This scroll contains a seal with which you can contact me Kakashi kun. Let's keep in touch. I have high hopes for your research of the cells I gave you and do share with me if you find anything". Suddenly his face became stiff "Looks like we have company"

I also looked around and sensed five ninjas. Four of them Jonin and one chunin. Orochimaru spoke "I know you are hiding. Come out". Hearing Orochimaru, five ninjas appeared in the clearing and faced both of us ready to fight.


A/N : A very long chapter reaching 2k words. Post some comments and Reviews. Power stones will be appreciated.

Thank you. Happy reading.