16.Training Under Tsunade

Another three months passed and let me tell you. Medical ninjutsu is no joke. I learnt a lot in these three months, but have just scratched the tip. It will take many years to get proficient in it, but as I already have a lot of futuristic medical knowledge, I could maybe learn everything in a year or two.

I just needed to improvise my knowledge by adding chakra in the parts that we use electrical equipments like camera and laser. Basically you can insert chakra into a person and scan his entire body. If back at earth, if we had this chakra, we could have cured diseases like cancer easily.

It's difficult to master the art of inserting a small amount of chakra into the patient and willing it to move throughout his body and scanning everything that the chakra touches and finding the problem as well. The sharingan is also helping me to some extent in this and my chakra reserves are also starting to increase due to the constant use of it.

All this trouble will be solved once I unlock the Tenseigan after opening the 6th gate as I can scan the body with it easily. Until then, I'll have to make do with the chakra sensing method. Anyway, learning another skill is also good. You will never know when it will come in handy.

Also the shadow clones are really a cheat. Especially when one has the sharingan. The clones can learn everything for you and even they have photographic memory. But If you make a lot of clones like ten of them study different things, you will get a huge headache while dispelling them.

So I normally use only three clones to study something and other clones to train. If Tsunade gives me a book or scrol to study, I leave them with a clone and then go training with my real body. I am awaiting the day I can open the sixth gate and with it along with the sage mode and the Tenseigan, I will be able to match the strength of Homura and not be afraid for my life anymore because no Shinobi dead or alive will be able to beat me.

I can already take on Hashirama or Madara and win with my current strength because it's comparable to Indra and Ashura, but if they come together, I cannot beat them. So I'm looking forward to opening the sixth gate which will make it possible, but it is much harder than I thought.

So, as an alternative, I started learning Tsunade's strength enhancement. It needs a lot of concentration and also very high chakra control as to not waste any chakra. So I asked Tsunade some help and she gladly gave me pointers.

Another month passed and I finally mastered her strength enhancement jutsu. Jiraya also stayed with us and got closer to Tsunade. The only issue is that he's using me for transportation. He tells me to drop him off in the morning and sends me a toad in the evening telling me to pick him back up. The flying thunder god has been reduced to such by Jiraya.

But I don't care as It's also like training and helps me in increasing the proficiency of the jutsu. Tsunade is also recovering immensely from her griefs. She knows that even I have lost everyone and that too at such a young age and she seeing me train diligently, she was ashamed herself for running away from her problems.

Now she also stopped drinking as much and started training. But her gambling habits still stay the same. She has borrowed a lot of money from me and Jiraya after she learnt that we are publishing books and earning a lot of money.

As I can earn as much as I can if I want and also loot people like Gato or any other enemy village for the matter, I just give her the money making her happy. Jiraya even now deep inside lover her a lot. So he is also tricked into giving her money for gambling.

Me and Jiraya both visited Naruto as well. He's now 1.5 years old and living peacefully. Hiruzen didn't adopt him and left him in the orphanage even after me warning him to take care of Naruto. But anyway he's living peacefully and Danzo didn't make any move yet. I'll have to return back if Danzo started the rumours on Naruto. I'm strong enough to face the whole village now.

In the meantime, I travelled to the land of whirlpools to the ruins of the Uzumaki village. There I set up a lab for my research. I can travel to and fro with the Flying thunder god. So it just takes seconds to get here. When I got here, I found some missing nin and bandits hiding here. I took this chance to capture them as my test subjects in researching Hashirama and Madara's DNA.

The things I learnt from Tsunade alsa I tested on the captured bandits. And I learnt that using Hashirama's calls I could make common people ninjas. This was a great discovery. Now I'm researching in creating prosthetic body parts from Hashirama's cells just like Tsunade did for Naruto.

If I learn all I can about his DNA, I can use it on myself and meet Hagoromo. That old man is afraid to appear and loose his chance to help Naruto on whom he has put all his hopes on, but he might be disappointed as my influence will definitely change him and also the story.

But anyway, I'm the MC in this world as soon as I got transmigrated. I'll try to let Naruto have a good life and let him do what he wants. I won't force him to do stuff not to mess up the story. I've already messed up everything by becoming Kakashi and this strong. Anyway I have to get stronger to fight against the Otsutsuki. I don't have any clue how strong they are.

Especially their clan leader. He could me a monster or a God. Also Isshiki is hiding somewhere biding his time gaining strength to attack when ready. I need to get much stronger than Hagoromo and Homura combined if I want to have a chance against them.