17.Going To Orochimaru

A/N: Read ahead 17 chapters. Support me on P@treon to buy a decent laptop for me to do faster updates. It hurts typing in the phone.

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An year passed as I trained with Tsunade. I learnt everything I can from her. Tsunade also improved much as we shared our knowledge with each other. Tsunade came out of her Hemophobia. But she doesn't want to return to the village. Because that will remind her of her loved ones.

Also hearing what Danzo and Hiruzen did to me and my father Sakumo, she started having many doubts. I didn't try to clarify anything with her with the knowledge I had from the anime. I know Orochimaru was the reason for Nawaki's death and Danzo was the reason for Dan's death. But I need Orochimaru alive for now.

If I tell her my theory, then she will definitely want to Kill them both. I don't care about Danzo because I'll kill him anyway, but Orochimaru's research is useful. Also I want to Pit Orochimaru and Nagato against each other and watch what happens. That will be fun.

I used some talk no jutsus on both Tsunade and Jiraya to bring them closer to each other and it worked like a charm. Both are my teachers and protected me when I was not strong enough.

As I was an orphan in my previous life without anyone there for me, I just spent my time at work and watching animes. I didn't have any good friends or a girlfriend as well and there was a gap in my life. After I met Jiraya, he managed to fill that gap.

As I knew both of their characters very well from the anime and also after staying with them, I learnt about them more. This way, I spent many days perfecting the words I want to say and used my Talk no jutsu on them. Shizune also helped me in this matter. She thought Tsunade as her own mother and wanted her to be happy as Dan couldn't be brought back.

I also made a perfect setting making Jiraya drink and using a Genjutsu on him with the Sharingan to make him speak his true feelings in front of Tsunade. After hearing everything, she finally gave in after Shizune also supported her and told her to move forward. Now both of them are dating.

Even if they are way old to be a couple sexually, their love for each other is like caring love looking out for one another. But Jiraya get beatings every once in a while for his pervertedness as he still peeks in bathhouses. She beats him up badly and then treats him. This happened many times already.

My training is also going well. I have improved my chakra reserves a great deal. Now I have chakra twice that of Hiruzen. I'm also very close to open the sixth gate. I can feel it. I send chakra to the gate every day trying to push it open. The gravity seals are doing a great job in training my body.

I'll have to give Gai these seals as it will be more useful for him. I've also learnt every fuinjutsu technique that was in Kushina's books and scrolls. Minato had also created many kinds of seals which I also mastered. I also created a space blocking seal in case I come across Obito. If I see him, I'll rip out his remaining eye as well.

As I learnt everything from both Tsunade and Jiraya, I have to leave now. So I met both of them "Jiraya sensei, Tsunade sensei, thank you for teaching me. It's time I move on my journey." Jiraya asked "Are you going back to the village? If So, I'll come with you. I'll give sensei a piece of my mind".

I was happy hearing him support me, bus said "No Jiraya sensei. Thank you for your concern, but I would like to handle this matter on my own. That's the reason I trained so much. Now I'm strong enough to handle most of the problems." Jiraya hearing me replied "Ok then Kakashi. If you need any help, know that I'm here."

I thanked him again "Thank you sensei. And I'm not going back to the village now. I will travel around the continents and learn more things before returning to the village." Jiraya nodded "Be careful out there Kakashi." Then we said our goodbyes and I left to the land of rice in search of Orochimaru.

The sound village that Orochimaru is creating is closer to the hot springs village. So I teleported there and made my way. Orochimaru is a sly snake. You can't be more careful around him. Now I'm strong enough to beat him if things go wrong.

(Map of Naruto World)

It took me half a day to reach the land of rice. I then took out the seal that Orochimaru gave me to contact him if necessary. As I inserted some chakra into the seal, I heard his voice "Well well, if it isn't Kakashi kun. I heard what happened between you and Danzo. You gave him a pretty good scare Kikikiki....." I spoke "Is that so.. well, I've reached a bottleneck in my research and was looking for you to get some help. What do you say Orochimaru san?"

There was no response for a while and then I heard his voice again "Kikikiki.... well fine. My location is xx-xxxx come. I'm interested in seeing what you have accomplished in this time." He said. "Ok. I'll be there in a short while". I replied to him and then made my way to the location. It was not far away as I reached the place in under an hour.

It was an underground base of Orochimaru. He was waiting outside the base for me. As soon as I reached the place and stood in front of him, he started checking me out licking his lips". I rolled my eyes at him and could see his astonished expression. "What's the matter Orochimaru san?"

Orochimaru was like a statue for some time and then he spoke "How did you achieve it? How did you get that chakra? And that too in such a short time. I've worked hard my whole life to achieve this strength, but you did it in under two years." He then shook his head and thought 'It would have been great if I had gotten my hands on his body, but I can't get him now. His presence feels stronger than the First Hokage.'

Knowing his thoughts I said "You won't get my body Orochimaru san. I've surpassed mortal limits of this world. My chakra is similar to the sage of six paths. You could get it too if you gain the Rinnegan as I told you before." Orochimaru shook his head "I've already investigated everything about the Akatsuki and also been invited by them. It's only a matter of time before I join them. And you were right about the leader having the Rinnegan.

He calls it the God's eyes. But how do you suppose I get them? Now you are stronger than me and you might want them for yourself right?" I shook my head "No need. I have other ways to acquire the Rinnegan. That's why I came to you to exchange ideas on our research. I think it will be helpful to both of us. I'll not interfere in your matters unless you attack the village."

"Kikikiki.... Very well then follow me" he said as he entered his underground base. I also followed him. While walking, he continued speaking "You see Kakashi kun, If the leader of the Akatsuki has the Rinnegan, I think it will be very hard to snatch those from him. As you very well know the powers that eye possesses".

"Yes I know, but the current wielder of the Rinnegan has a very weak body and requires life support to even live. Hanzo the Salamander made sure of it. But Rinnegan can control other bodies to fight. The key to winning is to find the real body and snatch the eyes." Orochimaru digested the information for a while.

"It seems that you know a lot Kakashi kun. Tell me who are you really?" I replied "Everyone has their own secrets Orochimaru san, and it's best that you don't poke your nose in the matters you can't handle". Orochimaru nodded and continued "Well fine, but do tell me why are you protecting the village if they tried to attack you and drove you out?"

"It's not the village that attacked me. It's Danzo. As I said before, I don't mind if you want to kill Hiruzen, but no damage must be done to the village in the village in the process. You better find a way to do that if you want to take his life. And let me remind you that even if you acquire the Rinnegan, you are no match for me now and I'll only grow stronger day by day". I said with a serious face.

"Kikikiki.... Fine. I'll not do any damage to the village as a thanks for giving me the information regarding the Rinnegan and leader of the Akatsuki. Even after searching for two years, I couldn't any of the information you gave." I nodded "I know a lot more than you think possible Orochimaru san. Just keep in touch and I'll definitely help you in achieving immortality."