21.Land Of Waves

A/N: Read ahead 24 chapters. Upto chapter 44 With assured Daily updates. Support me on P@treon to buy a decent laptop for me to do faster updates. It hurts typing in the phone.

I've posted "In Naruto with More more devil fruit" ahead of what's in webnovel and will also be posting my other fanfics on p@treon with assured updates soon as well.

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At the time I was travelling, in the land of waves Gato had already made a stand as he hired many thugs. The villagers were revolting against Gato with the leadership of Kaiza. Tazuna's son in law. Gato is forcing the villagers to succumb to him by threatening them with the help of thugs.

(A/N : I'm changing some timelines here. Don't comment that Inari is not born yet and Gato comes to the land of waves 10 years later. This is a fanfic and I've changed many things. This is one of them. Don't compare it to the original as the whole story I'm writing is original. You can also think it as an alternate Universe if you cannot accept the facts of changed timelines and age. Happy reading 😊)

Kaiza was a fisherman who had come to the land of waves to find new opportunities. One day, while roaming around, he saw a child drowning and he jumped in the river and saved the child. This child was a three year old Inari. After that Kaiza and Inari became close to each other.

As time went by, he became a father figure to Inari and Tsunami, Inari's mother had no choice but to invite him to her house thinking of Inari. As time passed, Tsunami also started liking Kaiza. Thus they married each other and were living peacefully.

But peace is not something you could expect in this world. One day a man named Gato came to the land of waves to do business. He was a shady man who deals with drugs and mafia. Soon he began to control the land. Kaiza couldn't bare this and so with a group of villagers, he started protesting against Gato.

After travelling for two days, I reached the bay of fire. There I met several boatman and paid one to get me adore to the land of waves. When I asked him what happened to this place, he explained to me everything about Gato and all. He didn't know that I'm a ninja as I'm just wearing civilian clothes and told him that I'm a traveller.

After arriving at the land of waves, I started enquiring about Tazuna's whereabouts to the people. Following the directions given by the villagers, I reached Tazuna's house and knocked the door.

Hearing the knock, A woman yelled "Coming" and opened the door. She was surprised seeing a young sixteen year old boy in front of her door. I'm not wearing my mask now as I'm not in Ninja outfit. "Ah! Who are you and what do you want?" She asked.

"I'm here to meet Mr. Tazuna. I heard that he's a good carpenter and want to learn from him." I said. Hearing me she chuckled and said "Ok. Father is out on work. You can wait for him inside". She never thought that a boy of sixteen years of age will hurt her as she didn't know I was a ninja. Thus I was invited inside the house.

She served me some tea while we were waiting for Tazuna. At this time, a small child came running from outside shouting something. Tsunami reprimanded the kid "Don't shout Inari. Wash your feet before you come inside the house and we have a guest". Inari hearing his mother, slowed down and looked around and finally saw me sitting in a corner drinking tea.

Inari approached me and asked "Who are you?" I smiled at the kid and taking out a big chocolate bar from my backpack I said "Hello Inari. My name is Kakashi. I've come to meet your grandfather. Here this is for you." Inari looked at Tsunami who nodded and then he took the chocolate bar from me.

I picked him up and put him on my lap. He didn't complain and started unwrapping the chocolate bar to eat it. Tsunami laughed seeing this and went to the kitchen to continue her work. Me and Inari started speaking and this was a very cheerful kid. Not like the gloomy one in the anime.

I then thought to myself 'No need to worry kid. I'll take care of Gato once and for all. You will not lose your father and continue to be this cheerful little kid.' I then thought him how to play some games. I had made snake and ladders and other dice games to sell them later. After taking over the Gato company, I wanted Tazuna to work for the company as he's a good woodworker.

Inari was happy seeing new things and asked me a lot of questions. We then played some games till the sun went down and a man entered the house carrying a bucket with a lot of fishes. Seeing the man, Inari ran towards him and jumped on him.

The man too lifted Inari carrying him and came inside. Tsunami also came out of the kitchen at this time. As the man entered, he saw me and looked at Tsunami. Tsunami understanding what he wanted to know spoke "He's here to meet father". Kaiza nodded and looked towards me. I smiled "My name is Kakashi. I came here to meet Mr. Tazuna and learn from him".

Kaiza looked at me suspiciously checking me out. Tsunami understanding something was wrong spoke "What's the matter Kaiza? What happened?" Kaiza sighed "Sigh! It's hard to trust any new people now. Gato has hired many thugs and they are suppressing the revolters." He then looked at me "Sorry kid. Don't take it the wrong way. This place is not peaceful and I'm just on guard".

I smiled again "No need to worry Kaiza san. I can understand your situation as well. I learnt of what was happening from a boatman who took me here." Kaiza nodded and at this time, Tazuna came in. "A long day. Gato is getting stronger day by day and we don't have any proof of his misdeeds to complain about him to the shinobis as well".

Then he saw me and looked at both Tsunami and Kaiza with questioning eyes. I spoke "Tazuna san, My name is Kakashi. I heard that you are the best carpenter around and came here to learn from you and also hire you for my company". Tazuna also looked at me suspiciously.

Looking at his expression, I took out the games and dice I used I playing with Inari and handed it to him. "Tazuna san, these are some models of games I have created and want to sell it to the public." Inari this time spoke "Yesh this brother has many good games. We played together all afternoon."

Hearing Inari, Tazuna laughed "Hahaha... where are you from kid? You have some talent if you have made these things." I answered "I'm from a small village in the border between the land of fire and the kand of Hot water." Tazuna nodded and spoke "Well. It's getting late already. Why don't you have dinner and we'll will discuss it in the morning".

"I have brought freshly caught fishes as well" said Kaiza. I smiled hearing him "Thanks for inviting me Tszuna san." After that we had dinner the family was cheerful and happy. Seeing them, a small tear escaped my eyes. Tazuna seeing me and asked "What happened kid?"

I looked at him and shook my head "Nothing Tazuna san. I am an orphan. So I was happy seeing a loving family like yours" and smiled. Tazuna patted my shoulder and spoke. "All right. Eat fast and get some rest. I'll teach you everything you want to learn from tomorrow."