34.Meeting the Reaistance

A/N: Read ahead 30 chapters has been posted Upto chapter 64. With assured Daily updates. Support me on P@treon to buy a decent laptop for me to do faster updates. It hurts typing in the phone.

I've posted "In Naruto with More more devil fruit" ahead of what's in webnovel and will also be posting my other fanfics on p@treon with assured updates soon as well.

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After I entered the village, I was escorted to their hideout which was underground with many traps. Mei warned to be careful. After moving through a maze like structure, we entered a huge room which was like an auditorium. There were many Shinobi holding a meeting there.

Mei walked up and spoke to an old man "Father, we were ambushed by Yagura's Shinobi". The old man hearing this asked "Are you all right Mei? Did you get hurt?" Mei shook her head "No father. We escaped thanks to this guy. So I invited him to the resistance." The old man then checked me out and came near me "I'm Akihiro Terumi. Thanks for saving my Daughter." He said.

"Nice to meet you Akihiro san" I said. At this time, another old man entered the room and asked to Akihiro "Who is the new guy?" Akihiro answered "Hiroshi, this guy saved Mei when she was ambushed by Yagura's Shinobi." Hiroshi looked at me suspiciously. At this time Mei spoke "Uncle Hiroshi, he has accepted to help us fight against Yagura. With him here, we can move up our plans and bring an end to his tyranny".

Akihiro was surprised hearing Mei as he said "Mei, Yagura can perfectly control the three tails. One more person cannot make a huge difference." Mei started saying "But Father..." but she was interrupted by Hiroshi "Mei, this kid might be strong, but against a huge force and a perfect Jinchuriki, it doesn't make much difference".

At this time, AO spoke "Lord Hiroshi, this guy is very capable. He can hold down Yagura on his own". Everyone there were surprised hearing Ao's comment as they turned to look at me. Akihiro spoke "Oh! Are you sure AO?" AO nodded "Yes Akihiro Sama. He slaughtered a hundred men in under a minute".

Hearing AO, everyone there had an surprised look as Akihiro spoke "What? Did you get ambushed by a hundred Shinobi?" Mei nodded "Yes father. They wanted to know where our hideout is. So they tried to capture us. But he killed them all and rescued us." AO also spoke "He's definitely a kage level Shinobi Akihiro Sama".

At this time I spoke "Akihiro san, I think you are the leader of the Resistance." Akihiro nodded and I continued "I can certainly fight and defeat Yagura without any issues no matter if he's a jinchuriki or not. So you don't need to worry about that." Hiroshi furrowed his brows and asked "What's your name kid? Who are you?"

I thought for a second before smirking "You can call me Homura. I'm just a travelling merchant". Akihiro chimed in "A kage level travelling merchant?" I nodded and released chakra equivalent of Jiraya." Everyone witnessed the scene ans were shocked. Akihiro commented "You are quiet strong at such a young age."

But Hiroshi was both surprised and had doubts. He came towards me and asked "Who are you kid? Which villages are you from?" I shook my head "Everyone has their own secrets Hiroshi san." Hiroshi frowned and spoke "Kid, you may be strong, but we have our ways to take down the strong. So obediently answer my question".

I looked at Hiroshi and spoke "This young lady promised to give me anything I want if I help you to successfully overthrow Yagura. So I accepted in helping you. That's all there is to it. So don't go overboard with your threats old man. It's not good for your health." Hiroshi got angry and was getting ready to take action.

AO witnessing the scene started sweating and interrupted Hiroshi "Hiroshi Sama, please don't" Seeing Ao's reaction, Akihiro understood something is up and he spoke "Hiroshi, it's fine. Mei, take the guest for some rest. We'll decide on a counterattack plan later." Mei nodded and walked towards me. I also nodded and we both made our way outside.

After we left, Akihiro turned to AO and asked "What's the matter AO?" Hiroshi spoke at this time "The kid is too arrogant. He might be at Kage level, but arrogance will be his downfall." AO shook his head "No. Hiroshi Sama. He's stronger than that. He's just hiding his strength. I saw his real chakra level and strength using the byakugan and it surely surpassed Yagura. Also while he fought, I couldn't see his moments even with the Byakugan".

Both Akihiro and Hiroshi were surprised hearing this and Akihiro spoke "So, you say that we just dodged a bullet?" AO nodded and Hiroshi this time spoke angrily "Why did you bring such a dangerous person here? We don't even know his motives". AO sighed "It was Mei Sama. I also tried to stop her".

Hiroshi gritted his teeth hearing this and said "That naive girl". Akihiro nodded "Yes. Mei is desperate to finish the fight fast as she cannot stand witnessing more innocent people hunted down because they possess a bloodline limit. She is young and impulsive." All of them nodded at each other. Hiroshi then spoke "What do you plan now Akihiro?"

Akihiro started thinking, but Hiroshi continued "We can test the kid. He's very confident. So just release the information of his location to Yagura. As he killed hundreds of his Shinobi, Yagura will definitely go to kill him in person. We can take that chance to attack". AO wanted to say something, but Akihiro beat him to it "That's a reliable way to get yagura out of the way for a while. Let's move on with that plan".

Mei took me outside of the hideout and to a small house in the village. We entered the house and Mei spoke "You can stay here and rest for the time being. You can tell me if you need something. ". I nodded and asked "What about dinner?" Mei came close to me "What do you want to eat?" She asked.

I looked at her and licked my lips. "So can I get anything I want for dinner?" I asked teasing her and getting close to her face. She said "Not so fast. First we need to overthrow Yagura's rule." I held her by her hips bringing her closer "If you want, I will go and defeat him before dinner. What do you say?" Mei blushed and pushed me "I'll call you once we plan on what to do" and rushed out of the house. 'Damn she's got' I thought as soon as she left.