41.Back To The Leaf Village

Read ahead 32 chapters has been posted Upto chapter 73. Support me on P@treon to buy a decent laptop for me to do faster updates. It hurts typing in the phone and takes a long time to complete a single chapter. So I dont get enough time to update when I'm busy.


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The next morning, I met up with Akihiro, Hiroshi and Mei. We made our way towards the room where Yagura was being held. Mei asked "will I be able to control the tailed beast like Yagura?" I answered "Yes. You will be able to do much better if you train.

The key to using the tailed beast's power is not forcing the beast like Yagura. It's to build a friendly relationship with the tailed beast. They are just like summoning beasts. If you take care of them nicely, they will help you in return."

Hearing me, Akihiro and Hiroshi were surprised as Hiroshi asked "Are you sure?" I replied "Absolutely. All your thinking about the tailed beasts are totally wrong. I will also tell you the methods to train with the tailed beasts chakra with which you can do wonders." All three of them nodded and I continued

"After I seal the three tails, your chakra control will be ruined. You will have to practice it again. And with some training, your water element will become more proficient and your healing powers will increase to a very high level. If you master the tailed beasts chakra, you will surely surpass any Kage level ninja." Mei nodded.

Speaking all the way, we reached the place. Yagura was still unconscious thanks to the stasis seal I performed on his body. We went inside and I started writing the required seal markings on the floor. After a while, it was complete.

I then looked at Mei. She came forward "Lay down in the circle."I said as I pointed to the circle I drew. Mei did as told. I then placed Yagura onto the second circle. I then created eight shadow clones and they all went to their respective places on the drawings.

As everything was ready, I said "I'll start now. So don't disturb me until I finish, or it will be harmful for Mei". Seeing them nod, Me and my clones performed some handsigns and said "Sealing Technique-Phantom Dragons Nine Consuming Seals"

It's a technique used by the Akatsuki to forcefully extract the tailed beast from the Jinchuriki and seal it in the Gedo statue. The technique took the Akatsuki three days to perform for nine Akatsuki members.

But here I didn't have a statue, so I don't need that much time and I also have both Hagoromo and Hamura's chakra with me. So it might take at most an hour or so. Not more than that. I can also use Hagoromo's sun and moon seal which he gave me in case of emergencies.

As I started the process, Yagura started to scream and chakra started flowing out of his mouth,eyes and ears and into Mei's stomach. As I anticipated, it took me an hour to direct all the three tails chakra into Mei.

I then performed some more handsigns and ink started moving from the ground to Mei's stomach. And finally I placed my palm on her stomach and made the final seal successfully sealing the tailed beast inside her. Yagura died at this time.

A week passed and I was invited to a meeting by Akihiro Terumī to decide the future of the Mist village. Akihiro, Hiroshi, Mei and AO were present with some others that I didn't recognise. As I entered, Akihiro welcomed me and asked me to take a seat. I sat down and the meeting started.

Everything was boring in the meeting. They were just discussing on selecting the next Mizukage. After a long meeting, it was decided that Akihiro Terumi would be the new Mizukage. I already anticipated that because Mei was still young and was not suitable for the post.

But to my surprise, as soon as they chose Akihiro as the Mizukage, everyone looked at me. Seeing their gaze, I asked "What?" Akihiro smiled awkwardly as he said "We are waiting for your opinion". Hearing him, I shook my head "I don't mind. It's your village. You choose what's good and Akihiro san is perfect for the post as Mei is still young".

Everyone released a sigh of relief hearing my words. I was confused as to why they acted like this. Understanding my confusion, Mei who was sitting next to me explained "They were thinking that you would take over the village and become the Mizukage".

I laughed hearing her and said "It's too troublesome for me to be a Kage. I also have lot of things to do. Besides I can become the Kage of any village at anytime if I want to". Mei chuckled. Everyone sweat dropped hearing my words.

At this time, I remembered Haku and said "By the way, I'm taking Haku with me to the leaf village. I adopted him". Hearing this, Akihiro asked "Don't you need permission from your Hokage to take him into the village? He's from a different village and won't it be trouble if your Hokage thinks you are secretly allied to the mist?"

I laughedat him "Do you think I care about that old man Hiruzen thinks? I will do whatever I want and nobody can stop me. He can think anything he wants if it makes him happy. I'll just overthrow him and select someone else if he interferes in my matters". Everyone hearing me sweat dropped again.

Akihiro hearing this understood that I'm not like the regular Shinobi who would respect their Kage and do anything ordered by their kage and the village. So he became happy and asked "If that's the case, can you take Mei with you and train her in controlling the tailed beast? You know so much about that matter. So you will be the best person to teach her.

I thought for a while and seeing the anticipation and happiness on Mei's face, I accepted "Fine. I'll take her with me." Akihiro had a knowing smile on his face. He thought 'This boy as young as Mei, but is by far the strongest person I've seen. I don't know how he achieved such strength, but I must build good relations with him. As he doesn't seem to care too much about his Kage and his village and will be better allying rather than an entire village.'

Then after some more talks, the meeting concluded. We all left the meeting room. Mei went to pack her stuff to leave with me. I went back to the house that was given to me for the time I stay in the village and started interacting with Haku.

The next day, everyone gathered again and me, Mei and Haiku said our goodbyes to everyone and I asked her "Do you want me to teleport us to the leaf village, or fly in my summoned beast?" Mei had stars in her eyes as I said Fly and immediately replied "I want to fly there."

I smiled at her and bit my thumb puncturing it with chakra from my teeth and did the handsigns "Ino-Inu-Tori-Saru-Hitsuji" and slammed my hand on the ground saying "Summoning Jutsu-Garuda". The whole place was covered in smoke and as all eyes were on the smoke, it cleared revealing the huge eagle that everyone loves.

I sat Haku in my shoulder and put my hand out to Mei. She grabbed my hand and we made it on top of Garuda. I then spoke "Garuda, take us back to the leaf village." Garuda screeched and flapped it's huge wings blowing back the people that came to send us off. I smiled at the eagles antiques and we took off into the sky.

Back to the leaf village.


End of the journey of Kakashi to get strong and season one of this Fanfic.