--- [Azaria Prominent Heroic Academy Main Hall] ---

"Dear participants, I hope you all can hear my voice loud and clear!"

"Yes Sir!!"

Our principal, Professor Tony Valent, is currently giving a briefing for today. Oh, I forgot to mention that today is the Blade Festival opening day. This three consecutive day event will have every single student participate in every part of it such as opening food stalls, haunted house, games expo, and a lot more. It's basically the same as the school festival. For the last two years, I haven't even joined the festival, stay at home watching movies, reading novels and comics, playing video games, I may as well say I'd pretty much wasting my time.

But now I'm different. I've got goals. I've got to protect people around me. I will stand here all day if that, can save my whole family…

"So, thank you for coming today my dear student! Today I will brief about…"

Dear principle, can you just put the mic and end this briefing? I can't stand here all day just to hear you spouting bla bla…"

--- [One hour later] ---

"That's all from me, thank you."

The end of Professor Tony's briefing is replied with a round of lively applauses from all students. Based on the briefing that I barely able follow, the tournament will take place on the Azaria Prominent Heroic Academy Grand Arena, or we also called it Grand Arena, an amphitheatre to hold various events mainly for battleground of tournament. This arena is the vastest building in entire Azaria, countless organizations held their open tournaments here with numerous gifts to the participants.

The arena can accommodate more than 300,000 people at once which is six times bigger than our main hall. The external of the arena was built with compound steel that can prevent heavy strike from any direction even the sky as the arena have an extremely large automatic closable hatch which use to close the top to prevent unwanted weather, or destructive force from outside, it can even hold against the attack from a powerful monster.

The vast stage surrounded by the audience seat in the middle of the arena numerous seats is the main eyes-attracting spot for the audience to watch the participants on the stage. Besides, there are four giants holographic screen suspended by the arena ceiling that can display the battle on the stage more clearly on four sides of the oval-shaped arena.

So currently, I'm on my way to the arena, with Quinn who cannot stop being creepy by talking about my sister all the way from the main hall. We must gather our full member, ready for the briefing session at the arena. I heard there are about 180,000 audience will watch the tournament. Among them, most of the students should be here, but more than them, the people from the entirety of Azaria will come here to watch the tournament, either from Evora, Sylvia, Wisteria and Nyssa cities will come here for just this glorious event that will be held once a year here, in the Azaria academy grand arena.

And finally, we arrived at the exhibition area at the arena. Actually, I thought there was just about eight or nine hundred contestants only but…

"Hundreds is understatement…" Quinn said that in amazed tone.

"Yeah, hahaha, this is crazy…"

There are more than two thousand people enlisted as participant for the core event of the Blade Festival, 'Hero Armament Championship'. The area already flooded with numerous amounts of participants. While waiting for Elea who is still not in my range of vision, I try to take a look at my weapon, make sure that I'm ready to face any opponent with full focus and preparation. I need to focus to my purpose; I totally can't fail this.

"Evans, I've been wondering, what is that thing you covered with a piece of clothes behind your back?"

"Oh this... um… I think I will explain later alright, it's nothing important at all."

"If that's the case, sure."

Suddenly a loud voice from behind calling my name. Hah, based on the voice I already can expect…


She come running to me with two of her friends, perhaps her teammate. A white, tough-build, handsome-looking guy, and a fair-looking lady walking behind her.

"Hey, so how is your preparation going?"

"Um… pretty much fully prepared I think, how about you sis?"

"Ahh!! You finally call me sis here in the academy!!!"

"You don't have to exaggerate over that."

"Hmph! What's wrong with me being happy with my own brother calling me sister!?"

"Huh…" I sighed a little.

What is this guy problem? Quit standing behind me as if hiding from someone.

"Quinn, what are you doing?" I asked him for his weird behaviour.

"Angel is in front of me, it's dangerous for me to watch her directly."

Ha… what a drag.

"Well, sis. Is that two people behind you are your friends?"

"Oh yes, they are my teammate, I think you would not know both of them, right? Well, I will introduce them to you. This cute guy is my brother that I used to talk about."

What? She talks about me to his friend in her class.

"Hye, nice to meet you, I'm Evans Reinhard."

"Hye nice to meet you too, I'm Ace Cardinal."

This guy is Ace Cardinal!? Wow, how does she even get to team up with this guy? He has a tall figure, and manly voice, so main character-like.

"Hye, I'm Helena Frosty, you can just call me Helena. You are as cute as your sister talk about, how about we go to lunch sometimes?"

"A… I-I…um…."

"No flirting with my brother Helena! He's mine!"

"Hahaha! You are such a doting sister Eva!"


"Aw, Eva so cute when she's pouting," Helena said while pinching Eva's cheeks.

"Um, so you guys going to enter the arena now?" I asked.

"Yeah, we've got to prepare, well see ya," Ace replied.

"Make sure you make it to the final Evie, umph!!! Stop pinching my cheeks, Helen!"

"As your sister said, make sure we met at the final! I will treat you to a nice dinner for two of us if you win!!" Helena offered.

"Helen!!!" my sister yells while being dragged by Helena to the arena.

"I guess there they go…"

"Let's go, we cannot let Eva…, I mean your sister with that guy!"

"You are just jealous aren't ya?"

"I do so what!!"


After waiting a little while, until most of the contestants have entered the arena, we heard running steps with gasping voice trying to catch some fresh air.

"Hey!! Are you guys waiting!! Sorry that I'm late!"

"Finally, the princess arrived…" Quinn gives the first greeting.

"We are the last one it seems…"

"Hah, hah, let's enter the arena, hah… I need to catch my breath…"

So, we all proceed into the arena together. While walking behind her, I could see the magnificent design of the spear wield by Elea. As the base colour is painted deep violet, the glistening golden-mosaic lining encircling the shaft from the spear socket all the way down to the bottom of the shaft. The blade is divided the into two parts making it look like two tips, from small sharp point expanding to the wing of the spear blade gives off a cool look yet threatening exactly like a lightning. I've done my research on her about the last year tournament, her fighting style, weapon, basics attacks and skill, so about her weapon, it was called 'Splitting-Ground Thunder-God Spear'. As the name sounds, the weapon does have several deadly skills that can make her grab a winning flag in a battle.

Her ultimate move, 'Divine Thunder Guardian' is the most frightening which the skill can envelop her into some magical lightning armour form, enhancing her whole-body protection, increase her speed and reaction time, improving her physical strength and sharpen her eyesight, moreover her weapon will automatically enchant itself to a new frightful form with extended magical lightning blade, rendered the foe black out in one hit, furthermore, she can 'charge' her weapon and when the energy is full, she can unleash the energy a form of deadly lightning beam from the tip of her spear.

She is a very precious assets for our team but if in the end have to confront her, she will be one of particularly dreadful enemy. During our stride into the arena, there is an equipment checking section to authorize our weapon. For each participant, only two weapons are allowed, perhaps a main and a spare, but the participant still can use both of it anytime.

"Show me your weapon," the inspector said to Quinn.

He put his weapon on the inspection table. A one-handed longsword and a shield. Is shield a weapon? I don't think so, but they still count it as weapon because some shields have a dangerous effect as strong as a main weapon. After laying his weapons, the inspector checked it thoroughly and another inspector examine Quinn's body to ensure there are no secret weapon was being hide in the participant outfit.

"Alright you can enter. Next."

"I will go first," Elea said.

So, I let her go first she requested. While laying out her weapon, I see a fascinating short sword with its scabbard decorated with multiple gems on it beside her spear. I wonder if she ever uses that short sword in a battle. After checking session for her complete, she walks away into the arena while me waiting for my turn.

"Put your weapon here."


I put my bow and the sword I covered with a cloth on the inspection table.

"A bow and a… a sword, aren't it?"

"Yes, it's a sabre, sir."

"Actually, we can't have a weapon covered with clothes like this during the tournament to avoid misunderstanding. Please take it off if you want to proceed."

"Oh, hm… alright, I guess."

I covered the sword given by Elea to not attract attention from other because the design is quite… well… grand, maybe.

"Oh, what a remarkably captivating sword! I guess therefore you try to hide it right?"

"Yeah, but isn't there other participants who equip their swords with more charming design?"

"Hm, yeah I guess there is some but, your is one of the most fascinating to me so far."

"Ah… I see, well, good luck to me I guess hahaha, bye."

"Yeah, good luck to you, bye!" the inspector replied.

I nodded and waved my hand to the inspector as I enter the arena interior.

"Woah, the view never ceased to amaze me, I can't believe I will be duelling here."

The vast space inside the arena astonished me as I passed the entrance. I have entered the arena before during my first year, which was the first time I ever seen this massive interior of a building. So, I keep walking until I reach Elea and Quinn at the centre of the stage.

"Evans, Quick! Quinn called me.


Everyone has got into their team and every team have three people. I can everyone is so excited to enter the battle with their new weapon, but man…


"Chill Quinn, don't embarrassed me more than I already am!"

"Eh, why not? Everyone is looking are you man, you're hot now! Hahaha!"

Ugh, so annoying… I just really hope I can end the tournament now…

"Isn't it nice for you when everyone is looking at you?" Elea implied.

"I don't think I like it though princess— I mean Elea…"

"Y-you better cut calling me princess okay!" She reminded me looking a little bit flushed.

"I-I'm sorry…"

Mad version of Elea is so cute. Looks like I'm officially a simper now.


Looks like the opening ceremony is starting now. I can hear those tumultuous, rowdy cheers and screams from the audiences, also with the echoing voice from the MCs voice just now. Each holographic screen in the arena is displaying the opening video and montage for the Blade Festival. The music played by the audio team is quite nice, it gets us hype with the bass and the piercing electrical guitar sound. The whole arena totally booming with all of this sound which makes me kind of excited myself.

"Dear spectators, so before we start our main event, we will introduce ourselves as your MCs for today!" The female MC said.

"Yeah, that's right, I'm Carl O'Neil and with me today—" The male MC introduced himself.

"Hana Blair is here!!! So, everyone! Are we ready to rock?!" The female MC introduced herself.

"YEAHHH!!!" The crowds cheered.

The crowds are getting so excited. I am wondering if they are actually not some psychos who just want to see people get beaten up.

"Everyone, as everyone know, we watch a few of spectacular shows from the participants which displays various skills and technique every year in Hero Armament Championship and the one and only one winner, will receive a prestigious gift from the academy higher-ups! Last year winner, Prince Richard Maximillian Stardust has received an exclusive skill from the Axel Spell Corporation for his SACRED device which cost almost a million Zea, so for this year, what do you think?"

"We already have the item here! Shall we uncover it, Carl?"

"Why not? So, we present to you…"

"THE CONQUERING GRAM!!" both of them announced in jinx.

As they mentioned the name of the reward, they take off the black cloth that covered the prize that displayed on the arena altar where they are standing, revealing a grandiose, dazzling one handed longsword. The design is perfectly balanced with crossed guard decorated with pair of golden metal wings. The blade is sheathed with a detailed design engraving on the scabbard adorned with shining white jewels. Seems heroic and elegant to me.

"The Conquering Gram here cost almost two million Zea! It was manufactured by the Paradigm Weapon Manufacturer, and this is currently their one and only one, most terrific sword ever made! Or perhaps the best weapon in entire Azaria!"

The crowds go 'woah' after bewildered by the worth and the presentation of the sword. Paradigm Weapon Manufacturer is the most successful weapon manufacturing company in Azaria. If they said the price that much, I can't even imagine how much potential that sword have, maybe it is as good as a legendary weapon, and I may don't have to grab an actual legendary sword! It won't be bad for me to try it, right? The Draconic Laevatain Sword is from that company too.

"This year, we have two thousand two hundred and fifty participants this year, quite a massive number and actually it is the highest participation ever achieved in history of Azaria Prominent Heroic Academy from the first tournament ever organised!"

Wow, that's a lot more than I thought.

"The one and the only one winner will get his or her hands on The Conquering Gram!"

"Who will it be everyone?"

The crowds start screaming and yelling as mentioning some name, but it was too boisterous so I can't hear to them clearly.

"I guess you can get it Elea," I mentioned.

Elea turned her eyes to me after hearing me mentioning that.

"I don't care about that weapon, what I'm after is Ristorea. I won't change my mind."

"I see. I won't ask why you are going after that sword, but do you know that Ristorea chooses its master? It's almost impossible even for you."

"I know, I even do some research, but I found that from the last four wielders of Ristorea, they have one particular backstory that most possibly the cause of why Ristorea chooses them."


"Yes, I think, the most struggling person with absolute determination will be chosen by Ristorea. I have been struggling extremely hard to be strong from last year, and this year, I will make sure I'll obtain it. The chances are low but as long as I knew the way, I will finally obtain it."

Her eyes are not directed to Gram, but Ristorea that displayed on the wall behind an extremely thick and hard glass slightly above the arena altar. The reason it is displayed up there because previously, Ristorea wielder has been chosen among the participants in the Hero Armament Championship. There are several attempts by some thieves to steal the blade failed because the security here is tight and almost impossible to be stolen.

"You get that from their backstory? And you think that will work?"

"It will, I will make sure I am chosen."

I can see the determination after she turned her head facing me with her piercing gazes directed straight into my eyes. She is dead serious about this. If determination is all it needs to get Ristorea, everyone can get their hands on it.

"So, everyone, since we all have seen the prize, now we shall proceed to the game!!" Carl bayed.

"Yes Carl! I, Hana will be giving the briefing to the contestants! So dear brave contestants, are you ready!!"

"YEAHHH!!!" The contestants replied energetically.

Everyone seems so excited for the event, maybe the prize successfully captivated them.

"So, for this year, we will have three stages for the 'Hero Armament Championship' like every past year befitting our three days event! For the first stage, we will have 'Divided Royal Rumble'!" Carl declared.

Huh? I have not ever heard that in this tournament. Is it a new system?

"This is a new system that made by the academy higher-ups because of a of this massive number of participants! From these two thousand two hundred and fifty students which consist of seven hundred and fifty groups, we have divided them to six category all and only six group can be the victor for this stage!" Hana continued.

"Really Hana!? That's crazy!! From seven hundred and fifty groups?"

"Yes Carl! It is, and today will be a busy day for us!"

"Well, that's it! I guess I will explain the rules now since I am so hyped!"

As he is mentioning the rules, the arena screen also displayed it. There are about five rules in total.

First, killing is absolutely prohibited. Detected act of planned killing will be disqualified immediately.

Second, participants must only wear academy battle suit during battle. Any participants that use any forbidden magic item or legendary weapon during the battle will be disqualified immediately.

Third, all participants can use at most two weapons, SACRED device is not included.

Fourth, all participants can install up to five spells on their SACRED device.

Fifth, if any of participants are rendered unable to fight by destruction of knocked out or severely injured, the team can choose to withdraw or proceed.

"Attention to all participants, the first battle with commence in fifteen minutes! The list of groups that will participate in each division have been assigned and please make sure you know your division!" Carl reminded.

"Any group that failed to arrive at the right section within allocated time will be disqualified! Therefore, we as your cheery MCs for today wish you all good luck!" Hana said.

Right after she ends her speech, the list of divided groups was displayed on the huge arena screen. There are six main division exactly as the MC said. My team is in the F division, the last one. The battle will start with one hundred and twenty-five groups on the stage for each round.

"Evans, how many spells you installed in your SACRED device? Quinn asked.

"Hm, I have installed the third one last week."

"A third? You think you can win with just three spells?"

"What? The spells are expensive, it's not like I don't want to buy them. How about Elea?"

I and Quinn turned our eyes to her.

"What? Me? I installed one."

"Just one!!?" Both me and Quinn replied.

"Yeah, it's the same as last year."

"Did you mean the Flash Step?" I guessed.

"Yes," she answered.

"Wow, that's hardcore, is it only me who installed up to five spells?"

"It's cool Quinn, we need to prepare everything since it can rise our chance to win," I answered.

"Huh, alright, alright. So do we have a strategy to discuss now?" Quinn asked again,

"Well, I maybe…"

"No, we don't need it," Elea cut my sentence.

"Eh, but Elea…"

"Evans, she's right. I think everyone in F-division know that we are currently the strongest team."

"Why is that?"

"Because of princess Elea. Last year, she was one of the entitled 'Hero' for entering the final stage and almost everyone aware that she is as strong as the first runner up. So…"

"We will be the target first!"


Elea just nodded her head while hearing Quinn speaking. I wasn't expecting this beforehand, to think the situation would turn out like this. Huh…


My sister popped out from behind me and suddenly hold my shoulder from behind.

"What!! Sis!! Don't scared me!"

"Hahaha, sorry! You know what? You are so lucky for not facing with my team at the first stage. I'm in division A."

"Hey Eva, let's get ready, Ace is calling for us," Helena called for Eva.


Then she released my shoulder and go with Helena. Before she leaves, she turned around and give me some encouragement.

"Hey Evie, good luck! Make sure you reach the last stage!"


"Yes. See you."

She smiled and later, she lost from my line of sight. For that instance, I felt my spirit risen up and making me ready more than ever.

"Is that your sister Evans?" Elea ask me.

"Yeah, she is my big sis."

"Oh… quite a pretty sister you have there."

"Right!!! She is pretty, right!!! Of course, that's why she is my—"

I smacked Quinn's head before he finished his words.

"Hey, let's find some seat to watch the battle," Elea suggested.

"Yeah sure," I replied.