Chapter 29

The Soul Haven sat in the outskirts of the city, it had some of the oldest buildings in the Isle and was a part of every Guardian's memory. Miran could only compare it to the rehabilitation centers in the human world, but the Haven was for broken souls.

The time before a human's death was the most fragile point of their soul. Reason being, souls were aware of when they would depart from the mortal realm. Pain experienced during death affect the soul even more than it did the body. The more devastating the death was the deeper the cracks on the soul were. Victims of torture and suicide cases were some of the worst cases Miran had ever dealt with.

The work of a Guardian in mending a broken spirit was needed if the spirit was to enter the Sire's realm. Souls were also made by energy though for them it wasn't as distinct as that of the Guardians. They couldn't control any form of energy, as souls only absorbed it. Once integrated, the energy could not be released again.