Chapter 31

"Fire is not a pet, it doesn't need any coaxing from you. Command it, don't request it."

"Use your emotions, make it spontaneous. Just like striking a match."

"No, no, don't think. Don't hesitate, Fire can sense hesitation. What you need from fire will act as the fuel for it, so you need to focus on just what you need."

Reyna was trying to follow what Dorian was saying but nothing happened. The fire before her danced lazily as of she wasn't putting all her efforts to it. How was she supposed to control it when it wasn't cooperating?

Dorian had decided to take over as her supervisor, after the previous one quit. Three hours and four fires later, not a single spark had moved at Reyna's command. She was frustrated and angry at the fires and at herself. Just once, she wanted to will them to move at her command. Was it too much to ask?