Chapter 55

Miran had put Reyna to sleep in her room after the day they had had. She had slept at Vito's after a fine meal courtesy of the chef who had learnt all she knew from the mortal realm. The food had been delicious and Vito being Vito, never lacked tales from his long life to entertain them. He had forgiven Reyna for drinking all his special liquor but even that was after throwing a fit. 

"Are you absolutely sure you will not do this for me? Before you refuse, just hear me out. I have always considered you to be a close friend and friends help each other out, don't they?

Just this once,I promise I will never ask for it again."

Having an old as dirt Guardian grovelling at his feet was not how Miran had wanted his day to end but Vito was like an addict. He was always begging every now and then. 

"That's what you said last time Vito. We can't keep doing this."