Chapter 61

It was all to easy but he wasn't going to complain not when the realm of Guardians was so close to his reach. He would make sure to thank his brother later when they met. He wouldn't have done it without Rohi. His brother was obviously waiting for him in the Isle and he was curious on what Rohi was planning to stop him. His brother would surely try to, he was a demon after all, revenge was in their blood and other dark things as well. 

Rohi would suffer the consequences of underestimating him. Did his brother think that he hadn't thought of what to do when he escaped? No one's thought were similar to his like Rohi's. If he had wanted to be out of the cage even on the first day there, nothing would have stopped him. Rohi would have gone as far as chopping off a limb if it came to it. The severed limb would have grown back anyway, painfully but it would have. So why had he stayed there?