Jeremy vs Hobgoblin Warriors

They wanted to kill the damned human so badly...

How could the human dare kill their leader right before their eyes and even under their protection at that?

It was such an unacceptable outcome for great warriors like them.

So, getting raged, they were.

One by one, they started to dash at full speed into Jeremy's fleeing direction with no formation or strategy whatsoever.

The only thought within their minds was to shred the accursed human into pieces and brought his blood, brain, and guts to do a sacrificial ritual to their deceased leader for the sake of appeasing and leading his soul into the god's kingdom.

Unfortunately for them, their current action of rushing in recklessly would only make it worse as their rage and uncoordinated teamwork was nothing but convenience to Jeremy.

When a hobgoblin warrior in the front saw that the distance between it and the human was shortened bit by bit, and the human had no weapon in his hands whatsoever with only some harmless-looking light glowing from his right hand.

When the hobgoblin saw that, it grew even more confident in taking down the human...

After a few seconds later, the human's back was finally within its attacking range. So, it raised the sword in its right hand, preparing to attack the human; it decided not to allow Jeremy to have any chance of fighting them back.

According to its imagination, the fight would have come to an end with a deep wound on the weaponless human's back after it swung the sword.

Not caring about the pride or dignity of a warrior, it slashed down the sword at the back of the human at full force, intending to bisect him into pieces or at least give the human a fatal wound in one strike.

Unbeknownst to it...

Starting from the moment Jeremy stepped into this chamber, all his actions were predetermined, with every step and action being calculated discretely before performing.

Right when the sword was being swung down onto his back, Jeremy, who was now running half-baked, suddenly kicked the ground forcefully with his left foot, causing his body to spin half round to the right side avoiding the sword strike narrowly.

Afterward, a bronze sword suddenly appeared from within the light glow in front of his right palm. Then Jeremy gripped its handle firmly before swinging it horizontally to his right side.


The hobgoblin warrior's head, with its face filled with rage and excitement, flew into the air with its green blood splashing everywhere.

It died without even knowing how it was killed...

Not waiting for the other 3 to react to his sudden counterattack, Jeremy dashed to the front in the direction of the incoming hobgoblins.


The closest hobgoblin to Jeremy didn't even have time to react before it was met with a clean slash at its chest from his quick swing before it fell to the ground lifelessly.

Meanwhile, the third hobgoblin, who came a bit later than the previous 2, had a bit of time to react to the sudden assault from Jeremy. It hurriedly raised its sword to the front, preparing to defend against the approaching slash coming right at its neck.


The clanging sound resounded out sonorously within the chamber...

From the monstrous force of Jeremy's combined with high total momentum force induced from the two sides' rushing momentums, the hobgoblin felt that its wrist would have been broken if it received another attack like this time.


With a deep snarl, it ground its teeth intensely as if that would help in reducing the pain on its wrist.

Seeing that the strike was not reaping any result, Jeremy landed a left kick heavily on the grumbling hobgoblin's stomach, causing it to bounce off to more than 5 meters away.



It seemed like some of its ribcage bones were broken after receiving that kicking strike because it was now lying painfully on the ground while clutching its chest tightly.

At the same time, the last hobgoblin, who had luckily run at the furthest place away from its three companions, was now coming from Jeremy's left side.

Unlike the first hobgoblin, it looked very cautious...

It had finally realized that the human before it was not to be taken lightly at all. He was fast, strong, skillful, and most importantly, he was very sly.

Now, two of its comrades already dropped dead while another one was breathing heavily with no sign of standing up from the ground anytime soon.

"Finally, it's a one on one battle. This is something we call a 'fair' fight in our world."

Surprisingly, Jeremy didn't speak in English or any other language on Earth, but he had said in Ortus language, aka 'universal language' that was wholly imbued with the universe's will.

The universal language was composed of words that had their own meaning, like Chinese words. However, the universe language would send a signal directly to the listener's brain and mind, causing them to understand the meaning behind the said word clearly.

That's why the hobgoblin was now very surprised that the human before it could actually speak the universal language.



It had already lost its ground in this fight the moment it felt surprised by Jeremy's words, then Jeremy darted forward with a quick sword swing at the still dazed hobgoblin warrior.

Jeremy slashed his sword horizontally, diagonally, and vertically nonstop at the hobgoblin, whom could only parry and deflect the strike passively at his assaults.




The big and small wounds on its body kept increasing more and more with the passing time until it felt that if the status quo remained like this, it would undoubtedly die...



The sound of Jeremy's sword being deflected was accompanied by a low growling noise from inside the hobgoblin's throat, then it put all of its force into its two legs and jumped towards Jeremy with a hacking stance coming from above.

It intended to finish the fight in an instant with its supposed ultimate move...

Jeremy smirked amusingly upon seeing that sight while thinking, 'It's full of openings; what a simple-minded creature.'

Then Jeremy raised his right foot and gave a straight kick at the upper abdomen of the mid-air hobgoblin...


The green-skinned creature was bounced off even faster than when it jumped towards Jeremy, leaving behind only its sword dropping onto the ground.


Then with a thudding sound, it crashed onto the ground even farther than its remaining hobgoblin friend, whom was still struggling its way up from the ground.

Accompanying by intense pain at its abdomen like it had never felt anywhere before, it cried out tears and snots of pain with gagging sounds coming out of its mouth constantly.

It was such a pain worse than death...

Just like that, Jeremy walked up slowly to the hobgoblin that was struggling to stand up from Jeremy's 'first' kick.

When it saw that the frightening human was coming its way, it hurriedly grabbed its sword on the floor up.

With a gulping sound from its throat, it retreated step by step with a painful and trembling body.

Seeing that sight, Jeremy shook his head and decided to finish the job fast. He abruptly dashed towards the retreating hobgoblin, then slashed the sword at its neck.



Only able to deflect one strike from Jeremy, its sword dropped down to the ground with a clattering noise because its grip on the sword slackened due to its chest pain and Jeremy's forceful strike.



Then with a clean slash on its chest, it cried in pain before finally stopped moving...

Right after that, Jeremy walked to the groaning and gagging hobgoblin at some meters away and gave it a painless death with a clean cut on its neck.


Just like that, all of the hobgoblins within the chamber were all dead...


[You have received 202 SP]

[You have received 124 SP]

[You have received 121 SP]

[You have received 129 SP]

[You have received 125 SP]

[You have received 1x★ for completing the final chamber]


After killing the last hobgoblin within the room, Jeremy saw six notifications suddenly popped up in front of his eyes one by one.

When those notifications disappeared from his eyes, other ones were projected in front of him instead; they said...


『 Congratulations. You've earned a qualification to enter into the second stage of the Tutorial 』

『 Would you like to exchange ★ for a teleportation ticket? 』

『 Yes │ No 』


After seeing the notifications, Jeremy didn't even ponder about the answer before choosing 'No' as his answer.

Then he thought to himself, 'It is not the right time to leave the first stage as of yet, because there are still many benefits to reap from.'

'Let's see, what is inside that silver box...'

With that thought in mind, Jeremy's eyes shifted to a small box at the far end opposite to the entrance from which he had come in.

As a result of those five hobgoblins standing so close to one another, they had shielded the box from Jeremy's sight completely.

Only now that the fight had ended that Jeremy's eyes could finally focus on that box.

The silver box looked luxurious at first glance, accompanied by various patterns and beautifully embossed marks here and there on its surface.

'I wonder if the box is saleable at the shop.'

Jeremy chuckled lightly after seeing that the box looked very expensive...

After realizing that there was no trap for this one, Jeremy walked up to the box slowly as always. Not long after, he reached the box, squatted down, then opened to box to see its contents.


With a creaking noise, the box was opened ever so slowly...

When Jeremy saw an object inside the box, his eyes widened in astonishment...