The Camp (3)

Within the eyes of those ten people, Jeremy appeared to be just an average middle-aged man with a height of 177 cm, having short brown hair. He wore a black combat suit and boots while having two knives dripping fresh blue blood strapped to his waist sides.

When everyone saw who the person was, some of them cocked their heads to the side in confusion, while some turned to look at their companions' faces to see if they also had the same thought as them.

The thought within their minds should be 'who the fuck is this guy?'

After all, they had never seen Jeremy inside the camp before, let alone the latter had come here to 'rescue' them alone as there was no other person within the surrounding area at all.

Simultaneously, Morgan furrowed his eyebrows slightly before finally saying with a cautious tone towards Jeremy,

"Who are you? I don't seem to recall you from any warrior groups of the camp. Maybe, you are from a construction group?"