Scouting Mission (4)

At this time, many people started casting their glances this way, looking at Jeremy and Gerard's interactions. Their initial unpleasant expressions had morphed into a complex one right now.

Those expressions were obviously aimed towards Jeremy...

Some wanted to help Jeremy out from such an awkward situation, but they felt afraid of offending Gerard as the latter was pretty strong, and he also had a companion to back him up. Some only looked on in pity, whereas some felt utterly indifferent to the incident.

"Gerard, stop plaguing our new member."

A deep feminine voice was heard from ahead of the team as the speaker turned her head back to look Gerard directly in the eyes.

The woman was none other than the team leader, Mylah Crowley.

Having heard Mylah's deep voice, Gerard furrowed his eyebrows for a split second, unnoticeable by most people, before smiling while scratching his head in embarrassment.