Dungeon Part 7: Another Dragon!

Boom! Frey fires a shuriken through the jungle canopy. It connects with the player exploding his position with fire. unlike every other player, her spirit form suffers now movement debuff in the jungle. The Struum Front guys are all melee class an absolute feast for her team. The one she is chasing through the jungle is some kind of short sword dual-wielding human Psion. She scoffs as another mental attack from the payer misses. Frey throws a couple of basic fire spells his way. The jungle makes it difficult to keep an eye on her prey. 

Nineth Immortal breathes out as she is no longer prey to the mass body of monsters. Next to her the bloody head of the Salamander spewing rancid blood at her feet. Unlike the players, most of the monsters don't make sure that their whole bodies are in the bubbling smoke. The bubble only teleports that which is completely within its sphere of influence.