Dungeon Part: 16

Tyr is the first to log back into the game. After the chat with everyone and looking over his biometrics. He has set a date with the doctor for the end of the week. His outburst was really uncalled for he can't even explain where it came from. He has never spoken to Mei like that. 

Nineth Immortal appears next to her sliver red hair done up in a bun. Nineth Immortal is like a classic three kingdoms heroin. Her aura has Tyr looking anywhere but straight at her eyes, She is a cauldron of emotion. 

Tyr tries to muster the courage to apologize but every time he opens his mouth. His Adam's apple does a violent backflip in his throat. His stomach even rolls uncontrollably at the thought of contrition. He didn't lie he spoke his truth it needed to be said too. Yet it is not him it's not how he treats people.