A level up

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "Shit dude what the actual fuck.That was an utter waste of two hours, I would have preferred to watch Lux decimate that guild. They are calling her the Angel of Death because of that battle. We are already getting even more interest even a few professional outfits are trying to buy us out now. All from that single battle, she has put us on the map in a real way." The battle had been lopsided even with the interference of the Sabra-Ants an affiliate of one of the highest-ranking guilds in the solar system Sabra-Jaguars. The name alone usually instils enough fear that most small guilds would back off. Unfortunately, Lux turned it into a true statement as she decimated their reinforcement without suffering a single loss. The in-game stats of the battle were so embarrassing the Sabra-Dragon had to make an official statement. This has rocketed a Sunken Reef into a much deeper pond. SKY Ocean Hunter though hope to make them swim the sea of the stars.