on the road

The journey only took a little over three hours to arrive back at the palace. They are greeted by several palace workers and Solkor SUN Striker. Who like everyone that saw the Typhoon is enthralled by it designs. The pod as a whole had left the ship as this is probably their last day here. BABYMAKERXCREAM put up the most resistance to leaving the ship but Hakgure and MagmaHeart quickly sorted her out. 

"Shit dude I didn't expect it to be so big." Solkor SUN Striker can't help but admire the ship from his vantage this is probably one of the best items currently available in-game. His colours are with awe and fear the imposing ship has an aura to it. It doesn't hurt anyone but it is definitely not helping. In front of him, the pod looks more connected even though each of them is a different in colour from the other. Their subconscious luminance is practically identical.