A world ender

Tyr hangs his head low. This is not the main mission he wants. None of his past lives has ever interacted with this mission set. Also, it has dealings with the Supreme church, which in Asrugo is a fully human organisation. He remembers how difficult it is to purge the church leadership. Many quests involve fixing the deviations of many smaller churches from the central orthodoxy. The problem is that Tyr doesn't want to attract the attention of the church. They are as bad as the Mint as they technically control the supreme being's ability to revive endlessly.  Pioneering their own revive network is not something he can even think about.

Right now, his focus is on the strange demonic entity in front of him. The changes from normal demonic entities is stark. She barely looks like Serb. Tyr guesses that the leadership of the demonic zone is in flux. The leaders directly affect how the lower demons look.