A boy and his shipyard

One day ago

Meerz excitedly watched as the determined construction team put the finishing touches on the new harbor. This compendium design hugs the mountainside. When they attached the new harbor to the old harbor. Bob and Pat turned the old port into a shipyard. These tier 1 buildings will need another tier 1 vessel-related building before they can upgrade to a tier 2 harbor. 

" I can't believe you guys did this so quickly. I'm really thankful for all your hard work. With this, we only need to subjugate the rank 2 dungeons on the outskirts of the city before the city quest triggers." Said Meerz, the new harbor can support a total of twenty-one ships and it has six dry docks. While they can only build tier ships, they can produce six ships tier 1 ships every three days. Bob, Pat, and Shaun nodded this build had many technical building challenges. They have all gained valuable experience that they will use in the future.