To let go!

Message from SKY Ocean Hunter

Ever since we started on this journey, things moved faster than any of us had ever thought possible. It was the most exciting thing we had ever done. In the almost two months we spent in this game, we had built something that many people envied. Tyr had the idea that we should focus on lore and enjoy ourselves.

I wanted you to take this seriously. It was fun to save millions of people through gaming. It was even more rewarding to see our friends and family living lives we couldn't have imagined, all thanks to this game. Yes, fun was part of it, but what pushed me the hardest was knowing we were responsible for our Planitia. It made everything real for me. If we failed, people would die—not just strangers on the other side of the solar system but people we knew and cared about. We had almost lost Zinhle today, and we did lose Athena.