
The curtains moved and a shadow leaped in through the window. 

''Es...'' That very same gentle voice and handsome face yet Esme's blood turned cold at the sight of the person standing in front of her. 

How long had Jeremiah been here? 

She was too distracted to notice his presence. 

Masking her emotions, she put a soft smile on her face, thanking her ancestors that she had not used her powers to arrange flowers for Aleister yet, ''Jer..'' her deliberately shy voice made her inwardly break out in goosebumps but Esme did not let it show. 

Jeremiah's smile turned wider, ''What are you doing here?" 

''I was here to meet the Prince on the King's order. Since he was not around, I decided to wait for him. But he has yet to arrive so I decided to leave,'' she said without a change in her expression.

Jeremiah nodded, not probing further regarding why the King ordered her to meet Aleister and wait for him, especially on his 'bed'.