Visitors Part 2

When WhiteLotus entered the house, she froze when she saw the young girl in a wheelchair. Trisha let out a sigh as she said: "This is Ryu. Also known as Chisaka Yuki. And as you may have guessed already, My name is Trisha Evergreen, but I gave up my last name and title to be with Yuki." Trisha walked behind Yuki and hugged her from behind. 

WhiteLotus had tears welling up in her eyes. She could see how much Trisha loved Yuki. To give up everything for that one person you love was not a love you could find very often. She also heard from GreenHat about what happened to his sister, which told her that Yuki loved Trisha just as much. "It's nice to meet you. I am GreenHat, Greg Evergreen's girlfriend WhiteLotus, real name Jen Amerson." WhiteLotus was a blonde haired girl whose hair went down to her shoulders with bright blue eyes. She was on the shorter side but was very beautiful.