The Clingy Cat Girl Part 1

Ryu scratched his head. He was not used to being praised like this, and it made him feel a bit embarrassed. "Don't worry about it. Now that everything is settled I will head out and try to find workers."

"Wait! Here go to this address with this note. The people there will help you at a discounted rate." The Village Lord quickly wrote out a note and sealed it with a wax insignia, and handed it to Ryu. "I wish you luck with your new properties. " 

"Thanks." Ryu took the letter and left the Village Lord's house. As he opened the gate and exited it, he was suddenly run into by someone. 

"Ouch!" A cat girl cried out as she fell to the ground.

Ryu, who was still standing, looked at the cat girl, who seemed to be a new player, and leaned down to help her up. "You alright?"