GreenHat And The WhiteLotus Part 2

"Wait a second!" GreenHat yelled back. He made sure he was far enough away that the two of them could talk privately. He gently put her down only to receive a slap in the face as he did. He did not get angry, in fact, he smiled as she said: "Happy? Now listen to what I have to say." 

"Humph! Hurry up. I do not got all day. I need to get up soon." WhiteLotus snorted as she turned away from him, not wanting to look at the fool.

"I just want you to know that I love you.  If… If it came down to me needing to use my power to save you, I would in a heartbeat no matter who was around. I mean that. My way of thinking was too narrow minded. I grew up being told to not reveal the secrets of the Evergreen family being beaten into me. Please forgive me. I do not want the girl I love to become a lesbian and make me wear a green hat for real!" GreenHat's eyes showed a look of desperation which combined with his words, made WhiteLotus want to laugh out loud.