Zan Part 2

"How do I know you speak the truth!?" Zan asked. But deep down, he felt that maybe Ryu's words were actually true.

"You will know once you surrender. If not, then I will need to get serious." Ryu's eyes began to radiate with sparks of lightning. Chi's eyes began to do the same thing. 

Zan felt beads of sweat forming on his forehead. He already knew whatever attack they were about to do was not something he could take. Letting out a long sigh, Zan sheathed his sword and knelt down. "I am yours to do as you see fit with." 

The lightning in Ryu and Chi's dimmed. Ryu smiled and walked over to Zan, and placed his hand on Zan's shoulder. "Don't worry. You won't regret this. In fact, I will capture the bastard who would do such a thing to a young girl and let you do as you please with him."