Fighting The Monster Lord Part 1

When Ryu and his group arrived at the Monster Lord's den, they were in for an eye full. He never expected that what lay before him was actually the same game. It was now looking more like a porno than anything else. Naked demon girls laid on the floor with glazed over eyes. Arkin, who saw this, began shivering and hid behind Chi, gripping her armor. Ryu was the first to break the silence. "It seems this quest is not meant for kids..." 

But seeing these girls all tossed aside as they were some sex toy caused Ryu to feel very angry. "Chi… Take the girls and help with caring for these poor girls. Have Arkin explain the situation to them when they come too. Guys will follow me. Margie, you take up the rear. If any of you are seen staring at these girls, I will rip your balls off and feed them to you myself."