Chapter 25: Product Description

The display on the screen is the introduction of the products of this auction.

  The number of products is not large, only 40 pieces.

   Each item has a detailed introduction, not only the various parameters of the product, the starting price, the method of price increase, but also a 3D stereoscopic image.

  On the front page is a green crystal with a note beside it: Level 2 energy spar, weighing 135 grams.

   Starting price: 1000 grams of first-class energy spar, and each increase in price is not less than 50 grams of energy spar.

   The starting price of 1,000 grams, I have 20,000 grams on my body, which should be enough to photograph it.

   I consulted Liu Fugui and learned that this auction is generally held once a month.

   Yesterday, I asked Liu Fugui about the news that there is no second-level energy spar. I only learned that there is a second-level energy spar for auction this morning. Not many people should know.

   However, since the second-level energy spar can be used as the final product of the auction, people who are believed to be able to buy it basically know it, and those who don't know are not qualified to know it.

  Why the second-level energy spar can appear in the auction as the final product, in fact, most people are not sure.

   But there are rumors that if you can absorb the energy in the second-level energy spar, you can have special abilities like zombies, and even control zombies.

   However, there are no people with special abilities in the Jiahang settlement.

   Mainly because of the scarcity of secondary energy spar, Li Haifeng is known to have it, and only Li Haifeng knows whether it is effective.

   In addition to the energy that allows people to obtain special abilities, in essence, the second-level energy spar is similar to the first-level energy spar, that is, the energy content inside is higher.

   Although no one has directly proved that after absorbing the second-level energy spar, they will definitely be able to obtain special abilities, but if conditions permit, most people still want to try it.

   In addition to the second-level energy spar as the final product, many other things have been put up.

The starting price of the product is high or low, and the price of each product is different, but the things that can be auctioned here are basically considered good things, but there are also some mysterious things. See everyone's eyes.

   Although Liu Mingyu's main purpose today is the second-level energy spar, if conditions permit, he also wants to auction some useful things.

   Click on the introduction above and found that the things on it are indeed much better than the things in the trading floor.

   For example, guns and ammunition that have never appeared on the trading floor are publicly auctioned at auction houses.

   You must know that in China, all kinds of guns and ammunition have been strictly controlled. Even in 2110, it is basically difficult for the civilians to find guns.

   This is also called one of the safest countries in China by the people of the world, but after the end of the world, the Chinese people are tragedy.

   There are no guns, and against zombies, you can only rely on cold weapons.

   However, when fighting with a zombie, once injured, it is easy to be infected with the zombie virus and become a new zombie.

   Only the five giants in the inner city have guns and ammunition in the Jiahang settlement. Liu Mingyu has not seen anyone else owning guns.

   This is also the first time that Liu Mingyu saw Lu Haipeng and their weapon was a machete.

   took a look, and introduced the guns that were put up for auction.

   Walker assault rifle, one of the commonly used rifles in China's regular troops, the rifle gun weighs 3.3kg, has an effective range of 600 meters, a muzzle velocity of 1500 m/s, a full gun length of 746 mm, and uses 5.56 mm bullets.

   Starting price: 100 grams of energy spar, and each price increase is not less than 10 grams of energy spar.

   "Boss Liu, guns are still auctioned here? Can't you help them?" Liu Mingyu asked in a low voice, sideways.

   "Of course, I can't help but have guns, haha, but not everyone can afford guns. You have to have a gun or bullets."

   Liu Fugui explained with a smile.

   Liu Mingyu took a closer look and found that this rifle only had 30 rounds.

   "I bought a gun, where can I buy bullets?"

   "You can go to the ammunition department to buy it."

   can buy bullets. Seeing this assault rifle with a bright future shape, Liu Mingyu is still very enthusiastic.

  Which man doesn't like guns, he has also touched guns in the real world, even during military training, he missed a gun.

   Apart from guns, he also saw other interesting things.

  Spaceship construction materials?

   What the hell, is there anyone selling this thing?

   I don't know if it's true or not, even if it's true, where to build a spaceship in this end of the world.

   If it is the real information, when it is not the end of the world, the auction house can indeed sell it at a high price, but if it is not the end of the world, who would sell such information in the auction house, it has long been known how many companies are rushing to ask for it.

   After entering 2100, various countries have already begun to explore outer space. If this time it is not a sudden meteorite attack, each country has already begun to deploy the solar system.

  Meteorite fragments?

   Is this looking for death?

   I don't know that the earth is caused by the virus brought by meteorite fragments, which has turned most people around the world into zombies. Now there are still people who dare to touch meteorite fragments?

   Of course, this meteorite fragment is not necessarily the meteorite fragment that carried the virus at that time.

   look down again.

   Ten slaves.

what's the situation?

   There are open human trafficking?

   Liu Mingyu was dumbfounded, but think about it now is the fifth year of the end of the world, anything can happen.

   The end of the world is coming, and all kinds of tragic and extinct things often happen. U U Reading

   Liu Mingyu knew that this world was the end of the world and was psychologically prepared, but he really knew that when these people treated other living people as slaves, their hearts were full of anger, but they were helpless.

   was seen by him now, and he decided to buy this slave.

   I took a look at the price of this group of slaves. The starting price was 500 grams of energy spar, and each price increase should not be less than 50 grams of energy spar.

   Converted to the price of a slave, it is worth canned beef.

   Liu Mingyu feels a little sad, human beings are about to perish, and instead of helping each other, they hurt each other. I don't know if this is the case only in this settlement or in other places.

   Whether there are even survivors in other places is still a question, but since there are survivors in Hangzhou, there should be more or less humans in other places.

   With a heavy heart, I turned over the slave introduction and looked at other things.

   Ten cans of canned fresh fruit.

   Starting price: 500 grams of energy spar, and each price increase shall not be less than 50 grams of energy spar.

   There is more than one set of canned fruits, as well as canned beef and canned fish.

   Isn't this the can I just sold?

   "Boss Liu, good means." Liu Mingyu gave Liu Fugui a thumbs up.


   Liu Fugui smiled and did not speak.

   He also saw Liu Mingyu's screen and knew that the other party had seen the information of the auctioned goods, but he was not embarrassed. Since he invited Liu Mingyu over to participate in the auction, he was not afraid that the other party would know.

   Besides, fair trade and auction can be regarded as a channel and one of their strengths.