S1 E3 "Shinjuku Encounter"

As the helicopter is preparing to land the crew and the pilot notice a strange figure moving in the snow, while the wind is blowing gusts of snow making it harder to see what it is in the snow storm. It appears the weather had gotten worse prior to the previous unit that was sent out here, so now its up to "LTC Ironside", "Alexander" and "Yusuke" to find out about this missing person and about the intel.

"Helicopter landed"


This weather is really bad, I can barely stand in this snow man.

[LTC Ironside]

The wind should be dieing down at approximately about fifteen hundred so we should be okay to move forward to find the last unit camp site.


Yeah let's make this quick, my balls are freezing out here.

[LTC Ironside]

Hey pilot you look after the helicopter. and don't take off unless we don't make it back by twentyhundre you head back to Headquarters.


You dont have to tell me twice.

[LTC Ironside]

Iight guys let's move out.

LTC Ironside and his men make their way to the first camp site when they get there, they began to look around for anything About the intel they needed to find... but they couldn't find anything that could help them find what they needed about the intel, until Yusuke came across the Scientists notes about a Mythical Object.


Hey guys look what I found, some notes about some type of Object.

"So Alexander snatched the notes from Yusuke hands"


Let me see those notes you probably don't understand it. Hmmm interesting

[LTC Ironside]

What does the notes say "Alexander"


It's in Hebrew,


Okay... what does it say about the Object. that's the Question.

"Suspenseful music playing"


all it talks about, is this Mythical Tablet and what it can do and men this Object should not see the light of day.

[LTC Ironside]

Hmmm I found something going through these notes over here it talks about someone.

but these texts are in Hebrew as well.


Hey guys let's just get back to helicopter because the commander wasn't being truly honest with us. These writings talking about Awakening someone who shouldn't be awoken. but they want to steal the Stem Cells from the subject.

while LTC Ironside and his crew are still going through the notes the "Pilot" was hearing noises while he was smoking his cigarette so he puts it out and check to see where the noise is coming from so he makes his way over behind the helicopter and see nothing.


Gosh I'm just being paranoid.


paranoid what's that.

the pilot eyes began to open wild and he turnnt around slowly while his heart was beating fast then he looked at "Shinjuku"

and began to scream but before he can let out a sound Shinjuku grabbed him by the neck quickly and started squeeze his neck tightly, the pilot began to start squirming and crying, his eyes started to gouge out his head, blood running out his mouth,eyes and nose and then his neck snapped Shinjuku drops his body.


Its really satisfying how they die. (laugh) And now I must go for the other three that went off ahead.

Shinjuku casts a portal and goes through it and makes his way over where LTC Ironside and his team are at.


I'm heading back.


Oh now your scared "Alexander"


Okay...look i was scared the moment when we watched that footage. till now after going over these notes about this Mythical Tablet and someone that should stay buried I think its time for us to go.

[LTC Ironside]

Well I'm not leaving without the intel I'm moving forward with or without you.


I'm right behind you.

In the meantime "Alexander" was thinking about what he should do while they already far ahead. But then he realized when he was reading those notes he can obtain Abilities. So he headed off after them.

So LTC Ironside and Yusuke reach the other camp.

[LTC Ironside]

Damn its a blood bath.


Yeah just look where the black marks and how they're spreaded.

[LTC Ironside]

It's like they was blasted by some type of weapon.


What type of weapon could do this.

..It desecrated them leaving there body parts everywhere.

"Alexander" caught up to them and he noticed they were standing there.


Heyyy why y'all just standing here


Oh look who decided to show up.


Damn it looks like a massacre over here...

and judging by these marks, it looks like they was blasted by some type of energy wave.


How you know its a energy wave. and not some type of weapon.


Because just thinking back when we was watching the footage those people wasn't carrying any weapons and what I've read about in the notes. talks about this person with Abilities.


That sounds unnatural to me dont you think

[LTC Ironside]

yeah more like unrealistic


But how..... you two seen the footage you guys seen what they could do.. now just imagine we had those powers for ourselves


Are you listening to what you're saying man.


You out of all people "Yusuke".. I thought you would understand.

"As Shinjuku makes his appearance"

Shinjuku comes crashing down right at them. they went flying..."Yusuke" flow towards the camps causing one of the tents to collapse and "Alexander" flow towards the crates causing those crates to break down then "LTC Ironside" was flying backwards causing him to roll all through the snow.

S1 E4 "Yusuke and LTC Ironside"