"-not guilty beyond reasonable doubt." The people inside the secluded court room rejoiced as the judge released the verdict. Despite the blaring noises from everyone who was crying, or either on the ground, the sound of the justice hammer being slammed down was all that mattered to the boy who had gray hair.

His hair did not signify his years of age as he was still in his early 20's but his hair did compliment his beauty. He turned to his side when he felt a hand grab his shoulder. He came face to face with the defendant in the case. His eyes were red from all of that crying, his hair was disheveled and he looked a mess in totality,but joy was seen in his eyes.

This man was supposed to be imprisoned due to him being accused of murdering his own wife but due to the lack of evidence, he was given the verdict of not guilty. Yvain smiled warmly at the man, caressing his hand, a gesture that meant reassurance.

"Thank you so much." The man whispered, voice breaking and body trembling. Yvain looked over to the side where the family of the deceased was seated. They were not rejoicing nor were they wailing. They just looked too overly tired. Yvain heard that the woman had her burial yesterday and Yvain's guess was that they were tired and no longer had the energy to argue. He started to stand up and dusted his suitcase and his suit while fixing his collar on wards.

He looked over to the front section of the room and saw the judge. Judge Theodore looked at him with a faint smile. The boy stood straight and nodded before leaving the courtroom along with everyone. He stayed for a while with the defendant discussing further information but to which they can account as not that much of an importance. It was one in the afternoon when he got out of the courthouse. He then went on searching for his chauffeur which he soon found by the side of the courthouse.

As he started to walk towards his chauffeur, the chauffeur opened the door for him in a formal manner.

"How did it go monsieur?" Yvain looked at his chauffeur with a tired smile before getting inside.

"Ha! I knew that their lawyer was no match for your intelligence." Filipe, his chauffeur, said too cockily making the younger laugh.

Although Filipe was wrong. A case can't be won because you are a skillful lawyer but because of the evidence you possess. Being a lawyer is far more complicated than what meets the eye and Yvain knows that for sure. He studied for who knows how long, just to be able to get into his dream profession.

He's only been a lawyer for two years but he's proud enough to say that within those years, the cases he handled did not go in vain. May it be defending the guilty or may it be the opposite.

"Where to monsieur?" Asked Filipe.

"Take me to that new restaurant. I trust Bella has made the reservations." Filipe nodded.

Yvain felt the vehicle shake and that made him sleepy, but he did not dare to do so. Getting to that restaurant would only take them a few minutes and he did not want to show up there with his eyes all puffy or possibly his breath smelling like garbage or his suit being crumpled or his hair being a mess.

At this point he was just making excuses to not fall asleep and he knew they were effective because the least he would want for his image is to be known as the lawyer who doesn't have the looks or hygiene. And no not because of the woman out there but for himself. He owes it to himself.

He never found it a necessity to impress a woman in his life except from his mum. He's not bothered by it either since he's still not ready for having a relationship at this stage of his life. Yvain has already planned his life. At his early age he would dedicate it to his profession, making a name and establishing an image just like his mother and then by the time he gets into his mid-thirties, he would then consider dating and he plans to get married then and having kids and settling down then just take a walk down his memory lane when he is in his sixties.

"Monsieur, we are here." He looked outside the window of the vehicle and saw that they were in front of the new restaurant.

He was thinking too much that he failed to notice. Filipe opened the vehicle's door for him and then he stepped out. The outside of the building looked very much fancy, not that he was intimidated, of course he's gone to even far more luxurious places than this.

"Have you had lunch Filipe?" He turned to ask his chauffeur who was getting back in the vehicle. "

"Yes monsieur, Bella and I had lunch together." Filipe stated with a smile.

"All right. Pick me up after an hour. I need to visit mum after this." He said before walking up the concrete stairs. He heard Filipe saying understood before he heard the ignition of the vehicle roaring away.

A man opened the door for him as he got close to the entrance. 'Must be an employee' he thought. When he got inside, the tables were arranged formally. The interior of the place was indeed very fancy, sporting heavy-detailed chandeliers, utensils and all. A woman came up to him dressed in a familiar attire.

"Can I have your name, and have you made reservation?" She asked with a sweet voice.

"Yvain. My assistant made the reservation on my behalf." He said in a formal tone.

"Y-yes yes of course but can I have your last name please?"

"Yvain?" Just as he was about to answer the lady, someone called him. He looked to where the voice came from and saw Gregorio, his friend way back in high school.

"Gregorio, it's nice to see you again!" They both hugged each other while wearing a smile. Gregorio had the same age as Yvain. They both went to the same school but took up different fields of profession. Yvain already knew that Gregorio had a fiery passion for cooking thus he wasn't shocked when the old friend called that he had a new restaurant opening a week prior to date.

"Diana, shouldn't you be asking our new comers?" Gregorio said upon noticing his employee.

"A-Ah, apologies Senior, I was supposed to be assisting Senior Yvain. I shall go now." The employee said briefly before scurrying away with her pen and checklist.

"She just called me senior, Gregorio." Yvain complained, making the other chuckle.

"Ah, still hate it?"

"Always will." Yvain replied, making the other laugh.

"All right now let us find a table. Order as much as you want, it's on the house." Yvain looked at him with a smirk. "I wasn't planning on paying in the first place Gregorio."