I'm sorry

lately I've not been crook or feeling shit so much so as I've been feeling just way off top gear. My nana whom I live with and care for has got shingles, my grandpa has only one working lung and yet is working the rate of three men is coming down with something and then there's me who has not been feeling great progressively more as the days progressed. So, I've been advised by my doctor to shut down completely and not write anything, and do minimal physical activity. therefore I am canceling planned releases for the foreseeable future, so as to focus on my health.

Best case scenario yousee me again in a month and a half, but I'm just not sure how realistic that is. Bova at least is willing to pick up the slack for our Witcher story, but it's only a matter of time till his return to writing is delayed and....oh you get the idea.

Goodbye for now Falcons!