Win Big Or Go Poor!

"Really?! Let me get this straight, in the next round, I can look at my hands but you can't. Second, I don't have to bet using my chips, and lastly, you become my slave for a day if you lose?" Even someone like Ma Huan was shocked by these advantages.

"Yes, correct." Zhang Wei replied calmly.

Even the other players on this table were astonished, including Sun Wei and Alex Huang. The young man in front of them had given them a great impression. So young and brave.

"Okay dealer, next hands!" Ma Huan can't wait for the dealer to start the last round.

One must know that, after playing for almost 30 minutes with the young man, Ma Huan won a few times, but on a smaller bet and this really made him mad! If he could win the last round, all of his frustration will be gone by making this young man his slave.

The dealer gave 2 cards each to both of them. However, as promised before, Zhang Wei didn't touch his cards, in fact, at this moment, his attitude was so lackadaisical. This surprised the other players. Even though they were all billionaires or millionaires at least, nobody would throw away their $6m easily. However, Zhang Wei acted like he didn't really care about losing the US$6m!

Zhang Wei: XX cards

Ma Huan: Ma Huan took a peek at his hands and he had a pair of Aces, the highest possible pre-plop winning hands. He was quite happy, but he did not want to reveal his hands through his expression. He was afraid that Zhang Wei would fold his hands if he got a clue about his hands.

One must know that a pair of aces is the highest winning-able hands in the poker games, basically getting these hands will guarantee you at least a 92% winning probability. Theoretically, that is 9 times out of 10 rounds you will win.

"So, you are serious with this round, you aren't going to look at your hands?" Asked Ma Huan calmly.

"Yes, I'm deadly serious." Smile Zhang Wei.

"However, if we are going to continue these hands, I need you to bet with your business card." Said Zhang Wei calmly.

"My business card? You want me to bet with my business card? That is an easy request." Even though Ma Huan and the others were surprised by Zhang Wei's request, nevertheless, he took out his business card and put it on the table.

"So, you want me to bet this card with your $6m?" One must know that it is difficult for anyone to get a billionaire personal business card. These billionaires rarely give away their personal cards, especially someone like Zhang Wei.

However, in these circumstances, Ma Huan had already seen his hands which were a pair of aces, so he will bet on this round.

"Yes, bet me with your business card, but with your gold business card, not that one." Zhang Wei was showing a very calm expression, just like everything was according to his plan.

"What!?" This time, upon hearing Zhang Wei's request, Ma Huan and the other two billionaires were amazed.

They didn't think that the youth wearing a cheap t-shirt and jeans in front of them knew about the gold business card they owned. These business cards were only handed out less than 1 time every 5 years, some billionaires will not even give out this business card for over 10 years.

These cards were only available in the billionaire's circle, common people will never know about this card, much less seeing or touching them. Zhang Wei's request made the three billionaires really amazed by the poor youth information gathering. (They assumed Zhang Wei was poor because he won the jackpot and was lucky enough to win some chips from Ma Huan. Without winning the jackpot, he was nobody, just a young poor youth.)

How did the youth knew the existence of this card? Normally, these cards were only handed out between billionaires who seek a favor. It is extremely remote that this card will be given out to a non-billionaire. So, it is remarkably amazing for someone who is not in their business circle to know about this, especially someone who is so young with no background.

"So, you planned this from the beginning? How did you know? I can't imagine it, but it does not matter, it is impossible for me to bet with your mere $6m." Ma Huan took out his gold-plated business card and put it on the table. Normally, he will keep only 1 of these cards whenever he goes out.

Sun Wei and Alex Huang both have the same identical gold-plated business card. Their names planted with gold ink on the card. They rarely showed their gold-plated cards to other people, especially to the common people. So, when Ma Huan put his card on the poker table, they were a bit surprised.

When Alex Huang himself valued at $5 billion dollars, some organizations approached him, calling themselves the billionaires' club. He was quite skeptical at the beginning. However, after looking at the member list and the benefits of the billionaires' club, he immediately signed up.

This gold-plated business card itself acts as a lifeline favor to anybody who receives it. Normally, on the outside we see billionaires competing actively with each other from a business perspective. However, the truth is, they were not. They were helping each other, so it will never happen when a billionaire suddenly becomes a bankrupt billionaire.

"So, you want to pass on this round?" asked Zhang Wei.

"If you can bet something better than your mere $6m, I will play with you. If not, just forget it."

"Maybe you are not willing but others might be willing, you can just pass your cards to others. Do you have any problem with this dealer?" Seeing Ma Huan unwilling to bet his golden card without sufficient bet from him, Zhang Wei tried to bait the others.

Ma Huan himself was surprised at Zhang Wei's suggestion, he himself does not want to give his golden card to some random guy without any return benefit. There is a huge commitment upon giving away the golden card to someone. So he passed.

The dealer looked at the Room Manager, asking for his opinion on this matter. The room manager just nodded his head.

"Since these are private duel heads up, how are you guys going to play this round is up to you sir, we don't have any problem with it." Explained the dealer.

"Senior Ma, may I have a look at the cards." Suddenly Alex Huang asked politely for the cards.

"You sure?" Asked Ma Huan. He himself had been battling not to pass this round, but logic and experience made him to. It is almost impossible not to bet with these hands.

"Yes." Ma Huan gave the cards to Alex Huang.

"Thank you, Senior Ma."

"Good Luck." Ma Huan smiled at Alex. He knew if he himself almost can't fold these hands, what about someone who is way younger than him?

Alex looked at the cards, and to his surprise, it was a pair of aces! He looked at Senior Ma amazed for willing to pass these hands. He took out his golden-plated business card and put it on the table.

"I will bet my card with your $6m."

Boom! The table was silent. It stunned both Ma Huan and Sun Wei, while the other 4 players were just a little surprised, that is because they don't know the real value of this golden card.

"Young and impatient!" Exclaimed Sun Wei.

"You are the first to bet Mr. Zhang Wei." Said the dealer.

"All in." Without looking at his cards, Zhang Wei just shoved all his chips. Indicating he was betting with all his chips for this round.

"Great, I call." Without waiting any further, Alex Huang smiled and used his golden business card as a betting chip.

"Please, show your hands." Asked the dealer.

Zhang Wei and Alex Huang revealed their hands.

Alex: A A

Zhang Wei: J 9

Looking at Zhang Wei's hands, Alex Huang had a big smile on his face. Meanwhile, the other 4 pro players were flabbergasted. They were surprised and looked at Ma Huan for passing this round with a pair of aces. Only an idiot will not play these hands during heads-up match. However, they knew Ma Huan was not an idiot.

Upon thinking about Ma Huan's decision, they realized that the golden card must be worth so much that Ma Huan was unwilling to play these hands. Looking at Zhang Wei, they were quite jealous. If he win this round, he will get a great benefit from a billionaire!

Tap! Tap! The dealer tapped the table twice, indicating she would deal with the next 3 cards or the flops. She took out 3 cards from the cards deck and laid them in the middle of the poker table.

Flops: Q K 8

Looking at these 3 cards, Alex Huang smiles and becomes bigger. If there is a diamond card on the next 2 cards, he will absolutely win this round. He knew he was in a very favorable position to win this round after the flops.

While Zhang Wei just looked at the community card calmly. He didn't express any emotion on his face even though he was in a very unfavorable situation to win this round.

The dealer deals with the 4th card.

Turn: 7

Board: Q K 8 7

The 4th card didn't improve Zhang Wei's winning chances, yet, it improved Alex Huang's winning probability since there was only 1 card left to deal with.

The others on the table did not say a word. For them, the last card will be the most important card. The highest bet previously on this poker room on a single round was around $55 million. It was all in betting between 2 billionaires! So, this round, even though, only $6m chips on the table, it did not include the golden card value. Only those billionaires knew the real value of this golden card.

The dealer deals with the 5th card.

River: 10

Board: Zhang Wei's final hands were a straight: 9 10 J Q K

Alex's final hands were a pair of aces: aces: A A K Q 10

Alex didn't improve his hands, however, Zhang Wei got what he wanted. Only the ten of clubs on the river will make him the winner, that is only 2% of the winning probability.

"Mr. Zhang won this round by having a straight on the river." Announced the dealer.

Alex Huang was dazed, he looked like someone in pain after seeing the river card. Just like a knife being stabbed on his chest!

"Wow! Young and dangerous! You have my respect for winning this hand young man. You must be the luckiest person on earth. On the last hand, you only have a 2% winning probability. It is quite amazing for us to see you win round after round." Said Senior Sun Wei while smoking his cigar.

"Haha…God of luck must have bestowed me some fortune for tonight, or I might have done a great deed in my previous life." Said Zhang Wei while taking all the chips and the golden card. He carefully looked at the golden card before putting it into one of his pockets. He was impressed with the golden card quality. Even selling the card alone must be worth over $10,000!

While Sun Wei was feeling great, Ma Huan and Alex Huang felt disappointed. They didn't think the poor youth in front of them deserved to win this round, especially getting his hand on the golden card. However, Ma Huan was a bit pleased for not playing these pairs of aces. If not, a big commitment and responsibility will follow up soon.

The other four pro players were feeling jealous, even though they themselves are worth millions, but combining all of their net value can't be compared with a single golden card. They knew this pretty well after seeing Ma Huan passed the best hands.

"I am done for tonight, hopefully, we will play again next time." Zhang Wei took 5 chips worth $25,000 each and gave them to the dealer and another 5 chips for the room manager as a tip. Both of them were stunned. They have been working in this VIP room for over 1 year and rarely receive any tips, much less 5 chips worth $25,000 each!

The room manager and the dealer felt quite happy. These 5 chips were equivalent to the room manager's yearly salary. They wanted to kiss Zhang Wei's hands and dance around the room happily. However, professionalism refrains them from doing so. They just said thank you in a very polite manner.

"Not bad kid." Remark Ma Huan. Even though he himself is a billionaire, he never tips anyone as much as Zhang Wei had just given out. This is just like throwing $125,000 cash into the dustbin. Have you ever heard someone tipping over $125,000? That is almost impossible to happen.

"Senior Alex, may I have the privilege to talk with you in private?" Asked Zhang Wei politely.

Alex Huang returned to his senses, he just lost his gold business card, so at that moment, he was no in a mood to talk. When this news comes out, he will become a laughing stock for being the only club member losing his golden card on the poker table! He felt really regretted by his action. Despite that, he calmed himself and looked at Zhang Wei.

"Okay." Answered Alex Huang. He stood up from his seat, and after saying a few words with the others he followed Zhang Wei.

The room manager, without being asked, led both of them to a private room. After being tipped generously by Zhang Wei, the VIP room manager Mr.Lim became overly polite. Previously, he just had a casual talk with Zhang Wei, but this time he tried his best to have a conversation with Zhang Wei.

He didn't become a VIP room manager just because he was good at his job, he was very good at judging people. If he thinks that Zhang Wei can bring a better opportunity for him in the future, why not, do it now when he has the chance to rope in.

Inside The Private Room.

"Both of you sir can use this room as long as you want, any foods and drinks inside here are on the house, if any of you need help, there will be a waiter waiting outside of this room." In a very polite way, Mr. Lim left the room.

"Please have a seat, Senior Alex." Alex Huang sat on the expensive leather sofa without saying any words.

"There are many benefits of receiving this golden business card. I know one of them, the receiver was allowed to ask for a soft loan amounting to US$1 billion with no interest. Am I right Senior Alex?" At this moment, Zhang Wei was holding the golden card in front of Alex Huang.

"What do you want?" Seeing the golden card with Zhang Wei, Alex was a bit angry.

"Nothing much, just give me $100 million." (700m Yuan).

***If you want to know how these hands were played, you can check this site