Am I Going To Win The 100 Millions Lottery?

Ms. Lim's eyes were glued on the TV screen. She looks forward for the second pair of lottery numbers.

The 50 something-year-old woman had a few words with the MC before drawing the second pair of numbers. Then, 1 and 7 for 17 were drawn as the second lottery number. The lottery company representative gave the old woman a gift for participating in the live draw.

Ms. Lim looked at her tickets, among the three tickets, 2 tickets with number 17. She was startled, another 2 tickets with winning numbers. There are 4 more pairs of lottery numbers to go, but this time she was a bit happy, her winning chances had gone up again.

The third pair of numbers was drawn by a young man aged 20 something-year-old. He had drawn a pair of 36. At this moment, 06, 17, 36 had been drawn and two of Ms. Lim's tickets both with these numbers. She calmed herself.

41 were drawn in the fourth round by an old man. Ms. Lim can't believe it, she still has 2 tickets with all the winning numbers of 06, 17, 36, and 41.

"Am I really going to win this lottery?" Murmured Ms. Lim disbelieved.

In the fifth round, another male around 40 years old standing on the stage ready for the draw. He drew 2 and 8 numbers for a pair of 28. Thus, at this moment the lottery numbers were 06, 17, 28, 36, and 41.

She looked at her tickets, one of the two ticket numbers were 06, 17, 28, 36, 41, 55, and the other one with 06, 17, 28, 36, 50, 58. One ticket left, if the last number drawn by the company representative is 55, she will win the Mega Lottery of 100m Yuan!

At this moment, she can't breathe normally. The adrenaline rush was pumping her heart madly. Anyone holding her ticket at this moment will go crazy. Even though she hasn't won the lottery, she was so excited. Intuition tells her that she is going to win the largest lottery in China history.

The company representative was on the stage at this moment. He will draw the last pair of winning numbers. Ms. Lim was praying for 55 numbers.

"Come on 55! Please give me one time!" Shouted Ms. Lim.

In the beginning, she didn't believe in her luck, however, at this moment she was praying and hoping to win it.

"55 please…please...please..." She begged 55 to be drawn. Anyone at this moment will act like her for a 100m Yuan!

At last 55 were drawn, the big TV screen on the stage showing the six pairs of mega lottery winning numbers were 06, 17, 28, 36, 41, 55.

Instead of yelling, shouting, or jumping happily, she stood there motionlessly. Like being hit by a lightning strike, she didn't even move an inch. She begged she prayed for the number 55 and at last, the number made her completely disbelieved.

She had just won 100m Yuan! She just became the biggest lottery winner in China. Yet, at this moment she still stood there doing nothing.

On the TV, the MC asked anyone who hit the lottery numbers to come tomorrow at the company office to claim the winning prize.

Miss Lim looked carefully at her winning ticket. She just wanted to make sure the numbers were right. Her ticket clearly showed 06, 17, 28, 36, 41, 55 matching the lottery winning number. She smiled and thought about Zhang Wei.

"How did the young man predicted the winning ticket location? There must be a secret to this."

She remembered about the envelope. So, she took it out and opened it. There was a piece of note clipped in front of a small notebook.

"Welcome Miss Lim. By reading this I am supposed to assume you are willing to work for me? Your first job was nicely done. Just read the small notebook for your next task. Good Luck and impress me more. Sincerely, Your New Boss!" Reading the piece of note made her smile, especially the last words. Your New Boss!

She looked at the first few pages of the small notebook. It contains many numbers and wording. Back to the first page.

1. Task No.1, claim and use the winning lottery money to create a new Private Limited Company called The AOSIS Private Investment Co. Ltd. Use the cash to grease anyone who can fasten the company creation.

2. Meet with Senior Billionaire Sun Wei and ask him to be one of the shareholders with 1% company shares. His business card came together with this envelope.

3. Put your name as the major shareholder with 99% of company shares.

After reading the number three task, she froze. She as the company owner? She can't believe it. Moreover, meeting with one of the richest guys in China? She will meet with a billionaire? This only happens in a dream, not in real life.

Upon checking inside the envelope, there was a gold-plated business card with Senior Sun Wei's name on it. She thought that the card might be faked, but seeing how she won the 100m lottery, and she remembered Zhang Wei said he won some cash from some rich people, this somehow made her believe him.

Now she was more confident, following or working with Zhang Wei was the wisest choice. Some people might run away with the 100m cash, yet, she didn't even think about it. Only foolish people will run away with the 100m. That is just like slaying a golden goose to get the golden egg.

Somewhere in Shenzhen City.

Zhang Wei was sitting outside a western theme restaurant. The restaurant provides a table and chair for smokers outside the establishment. Zhang Wei just had his first smoke in this world and two cups of plain coffee. Then, suddenly he saw the guy he had been waiting for.

The guy was about 40 years old wearing his expensive office suit. He sat on an empty chair next to Zhang Wei's table. There were only 3 meters between the guy and Zhang Wei's table. The guy seems normal from the look, yet Zhang Wei clearly knew the guy really needed a big break. The guy took out one of his cigarettes and lit it up.

"Excuse me, senior, may I borrow your light? I forgot to bring mine." Zhang Wei was showing his new cigarette.

"Okay, no problem." Zhang Wei took the lighter from the office-suited guy's right hand.

After lighting up his cigar, Zhang Wei went back to his seat. At this moment, he was smoking his cigar while looking at the guy.

"Kid, I know you are not a smoker, so tell me why are you pretending to be a smoker?" Suddenly the guy was also looking at Zhang Wei with his casual face.

"Hahaha… Senior, you have great eyes." Zhang Wei put his cigar inside the ashtray.

"Actually, I was waiting for you, senior."

"Heh… Why? You want to offer me a job?" Asked the guy with a joking smile.

"In fact, indeed senior." Answered Zhang Wei calmly.

"I have been hunting for a job for the last 2 months, and nobody is willing to offend my previous employer by employing me. Yet, at this moment a young man is offering me a job? What a great joke! Hahaha!" Laughed the guy.

Zhang Wei took out a large envelope, put it in front of the guy. The guy's eyes became a bit shocked.

"Senior, I am not the boss, I am just a messenger. Inside the envelope is your first month's salary. I am taking my leave now. By the way, stop looking for a job, a few days from now somebody is going to call you and good luck with your new job." Zhang Wei smiled and walked away without looking back again.

The guy wanted to see inside the envelope but he didn't want to touch it. If he touches it, and this is a setup done by his previous employer, he will be really done for. However, upon recalling again the young man's face in front of him just now, it clearly didn't indicate any bad intention. So he opened the envelope.

To his amazement, there were stacks of 100 Yuan denominations inside the envelope. Approximately, 100,000 Yuan!

He closed the envelope, paid for the coffee, and went home. One must know that, he had been out of the job since 2 months ago, bills have been piling up.

He needs to pay for his house mortgage, his car monthly installment, his daughter's University expenses, his other 2 kids' expenses including his life and medical insurance, and so on. As a result, his bank saving account figures took a massive dive.

He had been pretending going to work every day, just like a normal day for him. Even his wife and kids didn't know about his current unemployed status. He was hoping that someone would employ him before he relays his job status to his beloved wife.

Even though the pay was a bit lower compared to his previous job, he was not choosy, in fact, he was quite happy on the way home. Seems like, this was his first time ever going home in a happy mood in a very long long long time.

9:45 pm. Shen Zhen City. Another Restaurant.

Instead of going back to his hotel, Zhang Wei went to another street restaurant. He took a taxi to reach this destination in less than 30 minutes.

When he arrived at his destination, Zhang Wei can see a young female in her office attire sitting alone eating her dinner. He smiled and went to the young female table.

"Good evening Ms. Zhu Ling, may I sit here?" Without waiting for permission Zhang Wei sat in front of the young female.

A female waitress came, Zhang Wei ordered a glass of plain water.

"Who are you? And how do you know my name?" She stopped her dinner and started questioning Zhang Wei.

"Sorry for the interruption, I am just a messenger, you are good with numbers right, so my Boss would like to offer you a job in his company. The starting salary is 100,000 Yuan per month."

"Are you joking with me?" She looked seriously at Zhang Wei, trying to find any flaws on his face.

"No, I am serious. 3 days from now, somebody is going to text you an address, just take a day off during that day and go to the texted address. I have completed my task, I'm off now, goodbye and good luck with your new job Ms. Zhu." Without waiting for any reply from the young female, Zhang Wei walked away.

She was startled, the young man walked away without waiting for her reply.

"This shouldn't be a scam scheme right? He knew my name and he knew I am good with numbers. Even though a 100,000 yuan starting salary was too difficult to believe, it is not entirely impossible. At last, someone is appreciating my real skills." Murmured Ms. Zhu.

At the moment, she is working in a small firm paying her 8000 Yuan per month. The first company she worked before paid her only 4000 Yuan per month.

At her current company, the opportunity for advancement is almost 0%. The only way to go up is to move to another bigger company, yet, she hasn't moved for the last 2 years since there is almost no job opportunity for someone like her.

In order to get a better job, she needs a good recommendation letter or having a "rope" with powerful people. However, she does not have anyone like that, so she stuck with this small investment company.

Just now, the job offered will pay 11 times more than her current salary. This is once in a lifetime opportunity, she is not going to miss the meeting 3 days from now.

11:00 pm. Executive Suite. Hotel Casino.

"How did I do today Alice?"

Alice: You just completed a few mini-missions. Your overall Mission Completion rate is 0.021%. You have 3 more weeks to complete your first phase mission.

"Emm…Only 0.02% eh? So low? I still have a long way to go."

Zhang Wei took a shower and soon after that, he fell asleep on the king-size bed… Meanwhile, Ms. Lim still awakes reading and typing the list of tasks compiled neatly on her laptop.

The next day, early in the morning, Zhang Wei was having his breakfast at the hotel restaurant. All the hotel staff recognized him, the young youth who won the MEGA JACKPOT MACHINE, so he got a lot of attention, especially from the female staff. However, he ignored them all.

"Morning Mr. Zhang. How are you today? May I sit?" Suddenly a familiar face was standing in front of his table.

"Oh Morning, Mr. Jiang. Have a seat." Zhang Wei was still eating his breakfast.

"Oh nothing much, today will be your last free stay at the Exec Suite, would you like to continue using it or do you need my help to arrange you something else?" The room cost 7000 Yuan per night since Zhang Wei didn't intend to spend any of his jackpot winnings with the hotel, there is no point in giving him another extra free stay.

After thinking for a while Zhang Wei made up his mind.

"Can you find me a nice apartment around here, I am staying for over 30 days. Price doesn't matter."

"Oh, if you want to stay for 7 days or more, we have a partnership with the nearest hotel apartment 3 blocks away from here. You are going to like it."

"I trust your judgment Mr. Jiang, please send all my belongings there by the end of today."

"It settles then. My staff will start transferring your belongings in 2 hours from now. After 30 minutes, just come to the hotel lobby for the apartment key card." The manager gave Zhang Wei a light smile and after a few more words, he went away.

Zhang Wei continues eating his breakfast, sipping his hot coffee comfortably. This kind of relaxation is not available in his previous life. He knew, with money he could buy anything in this world. If he decides to abandon his mission and concentrate on amassing wealth, he can easily become the richest man on earth. Yes, the richest man on earth!

However, he cannot do it, his future friends and family were depending on him. Even his own self-respect won't allow him to do so.

Today, he needs to recruit 3 more people. They are not the best in their field of expertise, however, they have something in common that Zhang Wei liked and that is trust, loyalty, and hardworking.

Zhang Wei wanted to have a team of trusted employees so that he will be able to delegate secret and important jobs without worrying his employees might backstabbing him in the future.

All of the people selected by Zhang Wei were vetted by Alice. Without Alice, he will never be able to find these people in the ocean of a billion Chinese people.