Chef Gan Li.

Besides cooking, what else can he do? His future looks so bleak!

"What else can I do? How do I pay off my massive loan? How do I support my family?" Recently these questions have been playing over and over again in his mind.

He tried to borrow money from his relatives, however, the amount that he needs is so large that no one will be able to help him. In fact, they are in the same boat as him. All the residents in this small town were having the same problem. When they flourished, many took the bank loan offers. What could be wrong? When you are more than able to pay for it? Like others, after being persuaded many times by the loan officer, Gan Li took a massive $1 million loan with 10% interest, which was peanuts for him during that time.

Gan Li wanted to refinance his loan so that the monthly payment will be lowered and for a longer duration, but the bank won't agree. In fact, all the 6 banks he had contacted so far have rejected his refinance application.

Previously, before the new road was announced, many of the bank officers from the different banks came to his shop offering a business loan. At first, Gan Li didn't want to apply for any loan, his restaurant daily income was more than enough to pay for his business running costs. In fact, after deducting all the business running costs, he still left with over 100,000 yuan ($15,000 Approx.) for himself. Why does he need a loan?

He sent his 12-year-old daughter into an expensive private school, hoping that his daughter would have a better education and life in the future. The school monthly fee is 7000 yuan. At the moment, he can't even get 7000 yuan per month, much less than paying his daughter's school fee or his loan payment.

In truth, he had been using his savings for the past few years to pay off his loan and to support his family. To minimize his expenses, he transferred his daughter into a public school and his wife has been working in a grocery store. He sold off his favorite car and his small apartment in the nearby city but still not enough.

The damage has been done, his bank account balance is almost zero, he has nothing left to sell. Looking at his bleak future, an extreme thought like suicide came into his mind. If his family live moderately, the life insurance payment will be able to support his wife and daughter for the rest of their life.

The other option is to sell off his organs privately to the richest. He never smokes so his organ will fetch a higher price, but it won't be able to clear his business loan.

Or rob the bank where he made the loan and delete his loan account, but will his account really be gone? Does he even know how to delete his loan account?

He still owes around a 7,000,000 yuan loan to pay! With a monthly payment of 23,000 yuan ($3300), he runs out of money and ideas. Thinking of all of his problems, his eyes became watery. The last time he cried was when his wife delivered a baby girl and that was 12 years ago! And now, he was crying due to his own failure. He was sorry for his ancestors, his father, and his family. His ambition to upgrade this restaurant has put him and his family in a very difficult situation.

The bank gave him 30 days' notice to evacuate this restaurant and all of his properties will be auctioned by the bank. But surely not enough to pay off his loan. Where will his family stay after the 30 days notice? In the end, he made an extreme decision, the only way to fix everything is by suicide.

The bank can't touch the life insurance payment for his family, that is the law. Other people had done the same things to save their family. As a result, Gan Li made his final decision. He hung the "closed" small signboard in front of his restaurant door. At the moment, there is only one customer left inside the restaurant.

"Excuse me, young man, I am really sorry we are closing this restaurant early today. Thank you for coming." In a very polite way, Gan Li asked the youth in front of him to leave.

"Thank you, you have a very delicious coffee here, I will come again tomorrow."

"I am sorry but today will be the last day for this restaurant. Starting tomorrow, it will close down permanently." Gan Li had never seen this youth before, so on his last day, he didn't want to lie to his last customer. Tomorrow, there will be no more Gan's Coffee Shop and restaurant.

"Oh… that is a pity. But, will your family be alright?" The youth question surprised Gan Li.

"My family? Why wouldn't my family be alright?" Gan Li was a bit surprised by the youth question.

"You see after I leave, about 30 minutes from now, you will burn down this building including yourself. That is why I am asking, will your family be alright after you are gone?"

Silent…Gan Li was shocked. He staggered a few steps back and fell down while still looking at the youth.

"How... How...How did you know? Who are you? Did the bank send you? I knew it, the bank won't even let me die before I pay off the loan!" Besides his family, the other people who don't want him to die early should be the bank. If he dies, they can't claim the loan balance from his family.

"I think you should calm down a bit, I am not from the bank, I am just a messenger."

"A messenger? What kind of messenger are you?" Gan Li still thinks the youth in front of him is a person sent by the bank.

"My boss appreciates your cooking talent, obviously she had someone investigate you and your financial problem. Anyone with a decent brain will be able to guess your suicide plan. That is why I came here today, to stop you from burning down this place and also to offer you a job." Zhang Wei's explanation made Gan Li calmed a bit.

"She? Job offers?" Gan Li was confused. In his most troubled times, did someone somehow show him a rope? He couldn't believe it.

"Yes, my boss Ms. Lim. She would like to offer you a job as a company chef with a starting monthly salary of 100,000 yuan. There is 300,000 yuan inside this bag, it should be able to pay your monthly debt while keeping your family and properties intact." Zhang Wei showed a bag full of 100 yuan domination.

Gan Li was surprised, it's been a long time since he had seen this large amount of cash. He can't believe it, did someone really want to hire him? But the cash money in front of him is proof the youth job offer was not a joke. Had someone really investigated him, even his plans to suicide being stripped openly by this new employer? While Gan Li was still in deep thinking, Zhang Wei interrupted his train of thought.

"This is your employment contract, read it, sign it and call this number. They will help you and your family move into your new home closer to your new office. My boss wants the answer right now, and if you reject this offer, I am going to meet the next candidate." Explained Zhang Wei.

Previously Gan Li was on the verge of suiciding and now suddenly he was offered a job that required him to answer fast. From suicide to a job offer, this is a 180-degree turn of events. Since this job offer will settle most of his urgent problems, only fools will reject this one-time job offer.

"I accept the job offer, even though I haven't read the contract, as long as I can live happily with my wife and daughter, I am willing to do any job." Gan Li does not have any reason to reject the job offers, between suicide and new job option, it was an easy decision.

"Good, you have 5 days and the cash of 300,000 yuan inside this bag to settle your problem here, after everything is settled, call this number. Remember in 5 days you must call the number and move into your new house. If not, your job offer will be rescinded." After explaining everything, Zhang Wei left the restaurant.

Gan Li was left alone inside the restaurant, he was relieved, someone offered him a job with an over the top monthly salary. He does not have any educational background, so the job offer is like a dream come true. Including the advance 3 months' salary of 300,000 yuan will help him settle most of his immediate financial problems.

However, Gan Li needs to act fast, he was only given 5 days to settle and move into his new house or his job offers will be invalid. Thus, the first thing he did was, took the money and went to the bank.

It was clearly stated in the eviction notice to pay the 2 months late loan payments and pay another advance 6 months or face eviction in 30 days. With 300,000 yuan in hand, the money will be more than enough to pay the 8 months loan payment of 185,000 yuan.

The bank officer who handled his case was quite shocked seeing Gan Li was able to pay for his 8 months loan payment. Previously, he was so sure Gan Li came to persuade or negotiate with him. However, he never thought that the poor Gan Li would come to pay the 8 months loan payment.

When he asked where he got the money, Gan Li answered "I got a new job, the employer gave me an advance 3 months' salary." It really surprised the bank officer.

What really shocked the Bank Officer was, if he divided the 185,000 yuan into 3 months, it would be equivalent to 61,700 yuan per month!!! He has been working for 10 years with 2 different banks with his monthly salary of 14,000 yuan.

On the other hand, Gan Li without any educational background and on the verge of bankruptcy suddenly earned more than him! He had studied and worked so hard in his entire life, however, he earned so much less than Gan Li. He felt that this world is so unfair!