Chapter 16- Gacha

Once all seventy wolves fell under the effect of the Elixir of Enticement, Simon skillfully returned the floors to their original positions. An hour later, the sweet sound of the desired notification filled his ears.

[700 DP earned]

Quick calculations revealed that each direwolf granted him 10 DP, resulting in an impressive 700 DP per hour. With the elixir's half-day duration, he could amass a staggering 8400 DP.

"Who knew that spending a measly 800 DP on it would net me this much."

Simon couldn't contain his joy and burst into laughter. Seated on the third floor, he observed the direwolves on the second floor through his dungeon menu.

"I wonder if this is how the farmers felt when rearing their livestock?."

"It's quite sad that I can't use the elixir more than once on them."

The Elixir of Enticement became ineffective after it was used once, so it would have no effect if used on the same monsters again. It had other limitations too, it cannot affect powerful monsters with ridiculous status. Hence he could only use it on weaker monsters.

"Still half a day's worth of DP and their..." a devilish smile crept up on Simon his face as he continued "and their corpses would make a fine income for my dungeon".

At this moment a demon sitting on a crude throne made out of stone smiling wickedly could be seen on the third floor.

Simon used the Elixir of Enticement on the direwolves and kept them inside the maze for half a day. He earned quite a bit of DP from them. When the elixir's effect was finally worn off, he made short work of the scattered wolves in the maze. The DP he earned from that felt like the cherry on top of a cake.

He repeated the cycle of luring monsters to his dungeon and using the Elixir of Enticement on them for an entire week.

A group of three-meter tall orcs that had pig-like features, a colony of lizardmen, battle bears, and a pack of stormwolves were some of the monsters that met their demise after being enticed inside the dungeon.

Out of all the monsters he lured inside the dungeon, the race called Stormwolves gave him the most trouble. That was because they could use a skill called [Wind Blast] a Novice tier spell of Wind magic.

During this time he also redesigned the third floor and added a fourth floor to his dungeon. The third floor now became five hundred meters wide cavern. Like an ant nest, the paths inside the cavern zigzagged and were filled with deadly traps and pitfalls. Due to low visibility, several monsters that didn't have Nightvision died in these traps.

The fourth floor was currently empty, it was used as his personal space. The dungeon core which was now the size of a football, was also located on this floor.

Right now he had amassed quite a bit of DP. The amount he had was around 89,000 DP. Looking at the number brought a smile to his face. With this amount, he could now use some of the features like [Shop and [Gacha] that he wanted to use before.

The thrill of being able to utilize these options brought a triumphant smile to his face.