Chapter 28- The Auction and the Glutton

Orca was a short-statured fat man giving off a gentle aura but hidden beneath his eyelids were crimson eyes as sharp as a sword contradicting his bearing.

Goliath was a tall bald man with a body brimming with muscles which even his clothes couldn't hide. He had a thick mustache on his face and was giving off a sturdy presence.

Simon analysed them from the corner of his eyes and as expected the results were all question marks. Seeing the indifference in his eyes Gelgar couldn't help but comment "Well a lowborn like you wouldn't know the difference between heaven and earth."

He laughed for a while before suddenly frowning "Hmm? Hey you why can't I sense the presence of a demon orb from you."

He looked at him as if he figured out something. "Don't tell me you created your own dungeon. Haha…ahahahaha a lowborn demon like you created his own dungeon I can't believe this."

He laughed out loud as if he had seen the most funniest thing in the world. The two men behind Gelgar also sneered at this.

"So what? It is my orb and I get to decide what to do with it." Simon was clearly very irritated by his words and was starting to lose his patience. Did this man come here to irritate him?

"Hmm? Truly the words of an ignorant demon who does not know his limits." After giving him a derisive smile, Gelgar said "Do you know why a low-rank demon always stays as a low rank? That is because the blood in them is tainted and no matter how much they work hard and level up, they will never rank up."

After saying that his face displayed unconcealed superiority as he added "And I the son of a Demon Duke have far pure bloodline than lowborns like you."

Blood in this world held a special meaning. Those who had inherited the bloodline of their ancestors strongly would most certainly reach a high rank, and even their staring point was much higher than those of impure blood.

This applied to all the creatures living on the planet, and was an unwritten law. The bloodline does make a person strong but there are always cases of irregularities.

There are cases when a person ranks up a few times even while possessing an impure bloodline. But the cases are few and far between and takes an extraordinary amount of willpower and dedication to achieve.

Simon was aware of his impure demon bloodline but that did not mean that he would never be able to rank up. He had his own way of doing things and had a few tricks up his sleeves.

The unwritten law of the world? He did not care about it. If his impure bloodline is obstructing his rank up, then it just means that he needs to find a way to overcome it.

Looking at the brooding expression of Simon, Gelgar's smile became even wider "You don't have to be so despondent. As I said earlier I possess a far purer bloodline than lowborns like you. In the future, I may even have a chance to rank up to a Demon Marquess one day. What do you say isn't that amazing? And that's not all, when I rank up the status and position of my subordinates will also increase among the demons."

He grandly explained how he was league's above lowborn demons and his Demon Duke ancestry. Simon was totally fed up with this guy shamelessly boasting. The two men behind Gelgar had their heads held high clearly they had been enticed by his honeyed words.

"And here is the catch. Be honoured lowborn, I'm giving you a chance to become one of my subordinates. If you kneel before me and pledge your loyalty forever then I can forgive your previous transgressions and make it so that when I bask in the glory you too shall receive some of it with me."

The words that came out of this egotistical man, made Simon stunned. Annoyance flashed in the depths of his Crimson eyes.

He was just about to speak when Gelgar raised his hand and said "Well I know that this is a heaven-sent opportunity for you and that you cannot contain your eagerness to kneel and swear your loyalty. But I have a condition that I want to make clear."

Gelgar smiled as if everything was going all according to his plan. Simon was so done with this egocentric demon that he wanted to get away from him as soon as possible. 

However, the next words that came out of Gelgar's mouth clearly crossed a line and made his eyes icy cold.