Chapter 199- Ambitions of the Orc General

With a supersonic speed, the tail smashed onto the place where the orc general was. Just before the tail was a few inches away from him, Berigard uttered some peculiar words

" z̶͙͈̹͙͍̗̰͑̆͐̈̏i̷̺̞̪͆̈́̍̋̐g̴̡̜̯̖̎̉̏͘ą̷̠̦̋̈́́̇̌͗̇̐́ ̸̨̛̰͍̅i̶̳̖̺̼̩̗͈̫͙̲͆̇̕k̴̢̞̭̘̝̳͖͇̜̎̑̾̈́̋͒̅͐͠ͅá̷̡̢̦͉̻͔͍͙̣̠̌̓̎r̵̙͑̉̓͐̔͑̂ ̷̥̜̼̯̫̻̖̗͇́́̈́̈́͋̒͗̂̏͠s̸̛̝̺͂͆́̀̎́̏͝ė̷̡̖̤͉̦̜̭͓̼s̷̟̗͍̼̖͒̑͌ͅh̵̢̟̻̻̟̯̭̟̄̏̏́̋̿͐̔̈́͜ ̴̮̗̱̂̒̐͠s̴͖͍̙̞̦͍̬̈́̽̌̇͊̎̄͝p̴̛̟̩̣͍̖̎́̋̇̀̉̕ǎ̷̧̦̰͎͉̣̟̮̞̜̕c̴̛̮̱̣̓́͐̓͑̏̉̈́e̴̖͉̯̯̜͌͒̍̂͌͜͝͝" .

BOOOOMM… dozens of meters of land was displaced and the power behind the attack made the ground tremble for a good long while. A crater dozens of meters deep was created from the point of impact and tiny debris fell everywhere like rain.