Chapter 209- Trees of Mana Crystals (2)

Mana Crystals Grade [1] Tier [C]:- a crystal condensed with the purest energy of the mystical veins for a long period of time. When absorbed, it can generate an extreme amount of mystical energy and can help one quickly increase their level.

Simon was amazed the moment he read the description of the Trees of mana crystals and the crystals they produce. At a glance, he could see hundreds of mana crystals hanging on the branches of twenty or so trees.

Ignoring the incredible uses these trees have, they were so beautiful and the light they released were extremely pleasing to look at. Just like a tree made out of diamonds.

Simon was gobsmacked at the scene that lay in front of him. What did Cecilia do to trigger such a splendid change? Each of these trees were just any ordinary trees of mana that any [D] rank dungeon could purchase from the shop.