Chapter 271- Ice Phoenix’s Sigh, Philosopher’s stone.

Simon fiddled with the object the size of his palm and covered in arrays, before shifting his gaze away. The next thing that attracted his eyes, was the emblem of phoenix.

No matter how he observed it, the shape of the phoenix in this emblem appeared to be the same as the one he had seen on Irene's forehead when she suddenly acted weird. Although he had no conclusive evidence, he guessed that the thing was somehow related to her bloodline or her race.

Simon tried to grab the emblem only to feel a bone-chilling cold that even made his soul shudder transmit from it. Just this sensation was enough to tell him that the item was anything but ordinary.

His guess was not wrong; however, when he used [Analysis] on it, the result he got even made him bewildered. Why would he not, the item was ranked [S] tier by the [Analysis], a grade that not even his highest tier item the Crimson Blazing Flame Sword couldn't compare to.