Chapter 283- The Nifty Table

Just as those words came out from the young boy, the thug leader tried to kick the boy with his knee and teach him a lesson, when suddenly he realised that his entire body had become numb and a chill rose from the depth of his heart.

His body temperature fell and he started shivering as if he was suffering from a cold. Before long his entire vision became white and the thug fell down on the floor unconscious.

From the moment those words sounded out from the boy to the situation where the thug was knocked out cold on the road, only a few seconds passed. The other thugs looked at the boy and the absurdity of the situation with wide-open eyes.

Nevertheless, before they could make sense of the reality, a chill wind that came out of nowhere, seeped into their bodies and just like their leader, they too fell onto the road out cold.

The boy patted his clothes and fixed his collars before walking forward towards the only person that was standing still.