Chapter 317- Three Leaders

SPLASH… something rushed out of the water and approached Blake with an insane speed. When he laid his eyes upon the entity, he saw that it was a fish-shaped monster more than hundred centimetres big that looked like a piranha.

Its rows of teeth were so incisive that, it could give chills to anyone looking at it. However, Blake simply shifted his body a little and dodged the attack effortlessly.

"Pirodiles huh… but the numbers do not count up, there must be other monsters too" As he was contemplating something, from behind another splash sounded out and a being much more bigger than Pirodiles jumped out of it to tackle him.

Blake nonchalantly stretched his hands backwards and performed a slashing motion.  The space ring in his hands lit up and just when the monster was a few inches away from him, it was split into two by the great sword.