Chapter 322- Desperate Measures

The mages who were casting their spell forgot to channel their mana leading to the magic dissipating in the air, while the warriors who were trying to get back on their feet after receiving healing and taking a potion stood motionless.

"It is Impossible after all, we can't defeat it" having their morale broken after seeing the condition of their guild master many of them fell on their buttocks unable to remain standing.

"Kodyyy" Frida's sharp cry, woke the priest who was still in a daze.

"[Healing Light]… [Ailment Heal]…" Kody chanted one healing spell after another without worrying about conserving his mana while Frida who had completed her magic, blasted it towards the beast.

A huge flaming ball like a miniature sun dropped down on the Bloodthorn Demonic Warhorse and engulfed it in an explosion that encompassed dozens of meters of area. The intermediate tier Flame magic was enough to rock the surroundings and cause a miniature earthquake.