Chapter 357- Godwin

It was a person decked in black leather armour from head to toe, half of their face was covered with a mask and they carried two sharp swords that seemed extremely lethal. From their aura to the way they handled Simon's attack, it told others that they were extremely experienced and a first-class fighter.

Simon narrowed his eyes, with that clash earlier he was able to tell that the strength of this person was no less than his. He immediately tried using [Analysis] on them only for his attempt to be blocked by a skill.

"Hey you are quite rude to use [Analysis] in my face all of a sudden" the person said sarcastically as they measured him.

Simon felt a probing attempt from the other party which was quickly dispelled by his body. "Interesting, you have [Analysis] blocking skill too huh, I guess that's a given with how unique you are. It's not a surprise that guild leader is interested in you".