Chapter 382- Ozymandias (2)


At this moment the whole place started shaking as if a terrible earthquake with a richter scale higher than10 hit the place. The walls of the hall, the pillar crumbled and fell one after the other. 

The statue in the middle of the hall depicting a man with six pairs of wings had numerous cracks nonetheless, it was the only thing inside that refused to fall down.

"So he has reached this place already".

As soon as Yela's voice fell, five gigantic pillars inserted themselves onto the roof of this place and tore it down like it was made of paper. With the roof gone, the night view of the sky with numerous stars twinkling came into sight. 

Looking at those five huge pillars, Simon finally realised what they were. They were gigantic figures connected to a hand that was protruding out from a large tear in the sky.